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9/2016: Hillary's Inexcusable Allegations
Hillary’s Inexcusable Allegations
Hillary will destroy our country America even more after Obama if she gets elected! An urgent warning to American people! America has become communist-like, socialist-like, and third world country-like. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have personal sins but the worst is that Hillary also has national sins or abominations such as gay marriages, abortions to kill many babies, and supporting terrorists and bad illegal immigrants who are gangsters and murderers by giving them finances from our hard working taxpayers.

Both Clinton and Trump are bad apples but Hillary Clinton is the worst rotten apple and Trump is the best of all rotten apples. We must choose the best of all. If you support Hillary, you support evils and God will hold you accountable for it. Be careful whether you believe there is God or not! As a major prophet, I have seen many were severely judged by God for doing and supporting evils. I do not want you to be like them. So repent and pass this urgent message from God the Creator as well as Savior to everyone. Thank you! I ask God Jesus to forgive you and save you. If you do not listen to this warning, God will judge and punish you and even has to let you go to hell at the end. He is giving you grace now so that you may enter heaven. May God bless you and America! I pray in Jesus' mighty name amen!

From someone in the Blog of
James Comey admitted she lied to the FBI during the entire investigation regarding her emails.

Hillary lied to the American people about the nature of the Benghazi attacks. Her State Department was running guns trough the embassy in Libya in direct violation of international law. This action got four people killed. Further, she publicly blamed the attack on a you tube video that was posted by an American citizen. That citizen today is living in a homeless shelter, having lost everything on legal bills relative to Hillary's blatant lie.

Hillary's State department sold 20 percent of US uranium to Russia.

Hillary's State department cannot account for $6 billion that is missing from coffers from the time she was SoS.

Hillary has collected BILLIONS of dollars of "charitable contributions" from donors, and has only distributed 5% of that to an actual charity.

Hillary's staff (and Bill himself) has admitted that donors to their foundation got special access to Secretary of State, Clinton.

Hillary's brother received the ONLY mining contract in Haitian history while Bill and Hillary's State Department was tasked with sending aid to the Haitians for humanitarian relief. Instead, she was busy peddling gold mining deals for her brother. Ask the Haitians if Hillary is corrupt.

Hillary Clinton lied about being under heavy sniper fire, as has been verified and proven by video of the event. This is the same claim that Brian Williams lost his career over.

Hillary Clinton, on 3 separate occasions, has committed perjury to Congress.

Both Bill and Hillary received enormous speaking fees from countries requesting favors from the State Department. After these fees were collected, the favors were granted.

NOBODY in their right mind says Hillary is not corrupt. They just justify it because she's on THEIR side, so they'll overlook the corruption.

NEVER have I met a Clinton supporter that will actually look at all these allegations and conclude she isn't corrupt.
My important questions to you are “Do you still want to vote for Hillary?” and “Have you lost your conscience and common sense?” God bless you and heal you!

Prophetess Esther Ng
Royal Crown of Life Ministries
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