Apostle Ng received her Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical & Materials Engineering in 1986 at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and worked in the same field for 15 years in various engineering companies. In 1990, she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and was baptized in water by First Evangelical Church of San Gabriel Valley in Rosemead, California. About four years later In 1994, God the Holy Spirit, one of the three "persons", baptized her in the mall (Luke 3:16) after she bought two copies of the Christian book called The Flower Never Fades and read one copy at Taco Bell and intended to give another copy to her boss whom she evangelized to. When she was walking out from the Taco Bell, she felt the Holy Spirit came to her with full joy and peace that no where she could find. She felt like hugging every stranger in the mall and telling them God loves them. After this special encounter with God the Holy Spirit, Apostle Ng then had even more passion to evangelize and minister in her workplace.
At the end of 2002, God released her from the workplace to serve Him full time and then in different years later, when she had a financial need, she prayed with her team and God normally answered her within two weeks. She then went back to work as an engineer again as a self-supported minister. However, recently (the years of 2016 and 2017), God has not opened doors for her permanent full time or part time employment in various fields besides engineering, she believes God desires her to be in full time ministries and live by faith and therefore, Apostle Ng and her ministries currently need financial supports from donors. She is grateful for your prayer as well as financial supports. Apostle Ng formed Royal Crown of Life Ministries (God has given her this ministry name at home after prayer) to serve the community everywhere and has been ordained by God Himself as well as different ministers including a pastor of a church and ministry called Royal Family. Finally, in November 2006, Royal Crown of Life Ministries was officially established as a non-profit organization with 501c3 tax-exempt status to help many poor, elderly, homeless, unbelievers, and Christians.
Apostle Ng went to different mission trips including India, China, as well as different cities and states in United States to feed the poor with foods and other physical needs, to preach the good news and save souls with power and miracles of God such as healing and deliverance as in Mark 16:15-20 for Jesus' Great Commission. For example, In 2014, God used Apostle Ng in India to feed the poor there, to convert approximately 300 people from different religions especially Hinduism to Christianity and to heal them all especially aches and pains on their bodies due to overworking as farmers.
In addition, while Apostle Ng was at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California and Life Pacific College in Covina, California to equip herself in ministry as well as to prophesy over the school by sending letters and e-mails to the chairpersons, the deans, and the teachers of the schools, she found that her knowledge directly from God exceeds what the schools are able to teach or provide for her. For example, after three months of sending her prophetic letter, the dean of the school of intercultural studies sent a nice letter to Apostle Ng praising Apostle Ng of her obedience to the Lord’s leading.
Nevertheless, Apostle Ng truly believes that her real teacher is the Holy Spirit (God himself, the true author of the Bible) who gives her deep insights, revelations, wisdom, discernment, power, direction, and the knowledge of God’s Word (John 14:26, 16:13, 1 John 2:20,27). She believes that all spiritual leaders must be called, appointed, anointed, ordained, and taught by God and must be baptized by the Holy Spirit. However, she also enthusiastically and continuously seek God and studies a lot of on her own using the Bible and various references as well as Bible study classes and fellowship to increase her knowledge in ministry.
While Apostle Ng was working and studying, God used her to minister to many people including leaders through sharing and ministry e-mails with references to the Bible. Her major spiritual office gifts are prophecy, evangelism, teaching, preaching, faith, words of wisdom and knowledge, and discernment. In general, God uses her to oversee, prophesy, warn, exhort, admonish, intercede, build up, and edify church pastors and leaders as well as members so that they would become true obedient disciples and follow exactly God's vision, way, and will in the last days. God has ordained Apostle Ng as the “End time Apostle & Prophetess of the Nation” or “Pastor of the pastors and Leader of the leaders” or "General" to be directly under the owner and the head of the Church, Jesus Christ. That was confirmed by different leaders of the Church.
God frequently speaks to Apostle Ng especially in the early morning to reveal the prophecies, warnings, and guidance with supportive Scriptures to the people of God or even unbelievers. You may want to read about the Old Testament Prophets like Jeremiah, Elijah, Debra in Judge 4:4, Miriam in Exodus 15:20 and Isaiah and the New Testament Prophets like Anna in Luke 2:36 and Agabus in Acts 21:10. God said there are still prophets of the New Testament and today based on various Scriptures such as Acts 13:1, Ephesians 4:11, and I Corinthians 12:28, 13: 8-10 because He still wants to speak to us and we are not in perfection yet. Also, the other reasons are that (1) not every personal prophecy is in the Bible and (2) the last days are more evil (2 Timothy 3) so the prophecies are needed for comfort, strengthening, correction, and warning.
Apostle Ng is the first child of the family received Jesus Christ in 1990. Her original or official name is Edna and about the year of 2004, God touched different ministers after their prayers to tell Apostle Ng to change her name from Edna to Esther as the names of those prominent Bible characters or God's servants were changed by God i.e. Abram to Abraham, Simon to apostle Peter, and Saul to apostle Paul. Before Apostle Ng was saved, she went through four years of miserable life beginning in an apartment of Bellingham, Washington where she was relocated for a short term process engineering job assignment in 1989 at Anvil Corporation, Carson, CA. At the beginning, Apostle Ng was happy and adapted the new environment well. She worked diligently and efficiently on a project for one and a half months instead of three months schedule and therefore, her manager requested her stay for three more months to help them due to her excellent job performance. Apostle Ng accepted the offer. Later she was reassigned to a one bedroom apartment from a two bedrooms’ for a cost saving of her company. The attacks of the enemy (devil) began in the midnight at that smaller apartment that included strange noises, flashing lights, wind, nightmares, and other unusual harassment. Her helplessness and fear led Apostle Ng to stay with a tenant (a nice lady from Singapore) in the same apartment complex and later with a beautiful owner couple of a Chinese restaurant at their home. However, it didn't help.
Due to the strong spiritual battle, Apostle Ng requested for returning home in California to be with her family hoping that will go away. Sadly, after returning home, she still struggled with the similar attacks and couldn't sleep well at night most of the time due to noises and fear but by God's grace, Apostle Ng was still able to work full time and perform well at work. Two Christian mentors suggested Apostle Ng to be serious with Jesus and to spend time in the Bible and pray. She listened. Finally, the mercy and grace of God reached to Apostle Ng. Jesus used a powerful Spirit filled and led minister from Australia, Elizabeth, with her partner to set Apostle Ng completely free by their prayers at Apostle Ng’s house and prophesied to Pastor Ng that she will be running here and there to preach the gospel and will be mightily used by God. This prophecy came to pass. Apostle Ng has become a minister of faith and later a pastor of Royal Crown of Life Ministries/Church. That is how Apostle Ng believes the awesome power and work of the Holy Spirit (God) is important to the lives of the believers and the Church.
Apostle Ng has become a true born-again Christian after her amazing experience. Before Elizabeth came to Apostle Ng’s life, Apostle Ng once went to two pastors and a few Christian leaders for prayer and help. Apostle Ng believes their love and prayers led her to this minister of faith, Elizabeth, for her deliverance. Thanks Jesus! After all, Apostle Ng is convinced that her God, Jesus Christ, has the highest love, power, and authority than any others in heaven, on earth, and in hell. Her faith in God since that day is genuine. Due to her faithfulness to God, God has shown miracles to Apostle Ng since then. For example, Apostle Ng has continuously worked for eight years from 1990 to 1998 in one major company called Brown & Root Braun without a reduction of salary or a layoff during the critical time of the economy. In fact, Apostle Ng even had salary increase annually. At the end of eight years at the same company before the merge with MW Kellogg in Houston, Texas, she received three job offers from the three major companies and that is truly a miracle to her, her boss, and her coworkers. In addition, her prayers prospered her employers, i.e. receiving new work. For example, in 2009, Apostle Ng and her Christian co-workers prayed by faith for a prospect called Samref to win after a long period of waiting. They laid hands over the proposal of that project and the company, WorleyParsons, immediately won the project and hired back many employees.
If you need deliverance and healing from any bondage, addiction, and sickness, please call this God of Deliverance and Liberty for help and please attend our special services on 1st Saturday of the month, Sunday worship, and Bible studies or prayer meetings during the weekdays.
"If you obey My (Jesus) teaching, you are my disciple; you shall know the truth (Jesus), and the truth shall make you free...So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed...I will walk at liberty; for I seek Thy precepts...Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely..." (John 8:31, 36; Psalm 119:45, 46; Revelation 22:17)”
RCLM is an organization of charity to change the world around us. This is a goal and mission oriented non-profit organization. Apostle Ng is the founder and the president of RCLM.
She is an influential leader for the people in all levels. You can say she is a leader of the leaders. She has led and influenced many people from the homeless to the managers of the companies, the principals and the teachers of the schools, and finally the leaders of the Church through prophesying, sharing, teaching, and training on the phone, in the newsletters and e-mails, and meetings. She helped and taught them to see themselves someone unique, important, and special no matter what status they are in the society. They are able to make a difference in the world. She gave them hope and made them realize they have gifts and talents to offer to others. They, as a human being like others, are respectable with dignity.
She inspired and trained the leaders to be real leaders neither by titles nor by positions but by their exemplary life or who they are with a good character with moral and righteous values: Having sincerity, honesty, and integrity, sense of responsibility and keeping promises and being diligent and charitable. She encouraged them to make leaders with the same values and beliefs they have or they want.
She restored broken relationships, homes, and families by counseling.
She visited, comforted, and encouraged the elderly in the rehab homes and they have changed from a soul of sorrow and despair to a soul of love, hope, joy, and peace.
She gave advices to the poor, homeless, and substance abused people on the streets and she fed them with food and sometimes gave money to them. They, in response, were with great joy and smile.
She also helped the weak and made them strong by setting their visions and missions in life and by giving them hope; she found that their lives have turned around and became strengthened.
She also helped the widows to make them understand they are not alone. She and others are there for them and are ready to help if needed. They were comforted.
She helped the needy to fulfill their dreams by supporting them for their special needs. For example, she made or revised their resumes and the cover letters and trained them how to be successful in their interviews by listing out “Do” and “Don’t”.
She stabilized the minds and the hearts of the mentally disabled. They became so peaceful.
For ministry needs and prayers, please contact Apostle Esther Ng by e-mail ptestherng@gmail.com or ednang@juno.com or info@royalcrownlife.org or by phone (626)485-7287. Because of many lost and poor people who are in desperate needs of our ministries, we do appreciate your prayer and financial support. For your donation, please check out the information under the icon "Donation" on the top of the home page. Your donation is tax-deductible. Thank you! We will keep our prayer for every supporter of our ministry daily! May God richly bless you for your generosity! (2017)
