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Christian Rights

Religious Discrimination In The Workplace

This article is calling for your action to protect Christian freedom in the workplace.   God revealed to Pastor Ng that every Christian in the workplace needs to initiate or attend prayer meeting and or Bible study in the workplace without fear for his or her protection because the stress and evil are increasing in the world including the workplace.  Faith overcomes fear.  Your company will not lay you off wrongfully due to your religious practices and in fact, you have more security in your job due to their fear of being sued for religious discrimination.    Tell your church, your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, your friends, and your neighbors about this religious law (Civil Act-Title VII) that requires employers to reasonably accommodate their employees.

Every Christian employee is advised to follow this procedure (steps) to obtain religious accommodation of the expression of their faith in the workplace:

1. Go to the Human Resource of your company or your superior for their approval of any religious meeting in the conference room or e-mail proselytizing (preaching) during the non-business hours such as lunch and break time.  The Human Resource has to work with you closely to find the best accommodation of expressing your religion without violating Title VII.

2. If the Human Resource does not want to cooperate with you, then you show them the EEOC website ( or my e-mail about the requirement of religious accommodation.

3. If the Human Resource or your superior still does not want to cooperate with you, discuss your issue to an EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) investigator.

4. And or find an attorney who is specialized in employment law to write a letter to the Human Resource of your company.

Friends, you need to work diligently in the workplace to glorify God.  Live a righteous and godly life with good moral conducts to be an example to your supervisors and your coworkers. Pastor Ng prays that you would get the best performance in the workplace to honor Him.  If you lack of knowledge and wisdom, ask God (James 1:5).  It is hard to fight for your Christian rights in the workplace without a good work performance.  You must make a stand for your Christian belief and for Jesus Christ.  Amen!

This is America, not China, Middle East, or other Buddhist and Islamic Countries.  America is found by Christianity and has many Christian values and laws to protect and defend us.  We must make a stand and speak up today to preserve our traditional Christian values!  Pastor Ng prays that you are all revolutionary leaders. God uses one person to change many. After Pastor Ng received this revelation, she went to make some errands and the Lord uses the Christian radio station (FM 107.9) to confirm about our Christian rights (i.e. allowing school children to express their faith in school) and we must select carefully (vote) the next President and candidates who values justice.  Amen!  Again, we don't agree any born-again Christian to vote any candidate from the Democratic party due to their support of immorality.  You may not get popularity in the world (by majority) like President Donald Trump, former President George W. Bush, former British Prime Minister Toni Blair, and former Attorney General John Ashcroft when you stand for justice and Jesus Christ but you will be eternally rewarded. 

Confirmation from a sister in Christ (spiritual leader) in Hong Kong, China  "In HK, work ministry is started to spread out to workplace. I think it's God's will to build His 'church' in workplace. Insurance business is the most popular business where prayer group is common even they have their own pastors.  I'm sure the business where allows ministry would receive God's blessings which likely bring real profit to the company. Hope the administrative level had such a farseeing vision."   Thanks sister.   Pastor Ng’s testimony: God did prosper Pastor Ng’s former company from 1998-2001 with higher profits each year and growth in projects after she committed to pray in the conference room with other Christians in the work palace. In 2009, Pastor Ng and other Christians prayed over a proposal for a new prospect that the company has been waiting;  they all laid hand on it and a week or so later, the company won this project that hired back many employees. Her business development managers agreed and was amazed how the company obtain projects in difficult circumstances.  God works the impossible! 

There is a balance between religious law and anti-harassment law.  Please understand according to the law, “Undue hardship to the employer requires more than proof that other employees would grumble or be unhappy about a particular accommodation.”

E-mail for Evangelical Preaching

We are living in a high technology and information age. The email and internet (the computer) are common and normal tools for information and communication today.   Using e-mail should not be treated differently from the phone and the fax machine.  Practicing religion has changed today and utilizes e-mail and internet vastly today i.e. website churches; therefore the religious law needs to adjust the new culture as long as there is a balance.

EEOC Approvals of Usage of The Conference Room:

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), American Center For Law and Justice (ACLJ), and others say that it is acceptable to use conference room of the company for prayers and to proselytize in the workplace in various formats as long as the employee doesn't create undue hardship to the employer.  A counsel of ACLJ wrote that “Prayer room allowance or prayer break supported by EEOC.  In one such hypothetical, three out of ten employees sharing the same religious beliefs have requested that they be allowed to use one of the employers' conference room for prayer.  Religious accommodation at and (last visit August 14,2012).  EEOC suggested that the employer "should work closely with the employees to find an appropriate accommodation that meets their religious needs without causing undue hardship for the employer….The claim that harassment concerns compel a company to refuse to allow its employees to use its facilities for prayer is indefensible…EEOC maintains that “prayer often can be performed during breaks, so that providing sufficient time during work hours for prayer would not result in an undue hardship."”  Also, in the book, Christian Rights in the Workplace by ACLJ, it discussed that it is lawful to proselytize in the workplace as long as it does not impose undue hardship to the employer.  (Last modified April 23, 2017)

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