 | 10/27/16: Miracles & Politics / Good News For Trump | | |  |  | Greeting All: Please read this entire message with revelations for your blessing! I included the sharing of the possible cause of Louisiana flood.
I am so encouraged and feel honored by wonderful inspired messages of pastors, ministers, and leaders, who read my emails, texts, and webpage and asked me to pray for their personal matters, and their churches and ministries. One wrote to me “After reading and studying your web page, I was spiritually charged, moved, and thrilled. My spiritual stagger went stronger to find that you have what we need for our spiritual growth.” Another one wrote “…it looks like that you can write a good book! It can be a best seller.” I am thankful and glory to God only!
Miracles and Signs and Wonder: I have been sending important text messages from God with Bible scriptures frequently to my team and also others I have met personally. I hope I have time to put them all in one newsletter soon. I also called up and sent emails to liberal media such as CNN, NBC, and ABC due to their liberal bias as well as to governors of the states which support Hillary etc. to ask them to support Trump and often called the liars to repent. Recently, God has done many miraculous things especially after we started our Sunday worship at the beginning of October. For example, last week, the broken laptop of my team partner and the two burners of my mother’s kitchen stove were restored immediately after my warfare prayers of faith in the spirit, laying of hands, putting anointing oil, and claiming the name of Jesus and His blood (James 5: 14-16; Psalm 23:5; Mark 16:17; 1 Corinthians 14:1-3,14,15; Acts 19:6,11; Ephesians 6:10-18; Revelation 12:11). The handyman and others could not fix it in a timely manner; we needed to use them and we had no choice not to call on God. Moreover, I took care of my mother last week (for a week); my mother’s emotion became stable and her cough got healed instantly at night after I prayed. We had peaceful nights.
God grants guidance, peace and wisdom to handle our situation after prayers through His peace. I would like to share with you a few more praise reports. On September 18, 2016, I could not put the tray back to the printer and in other times, I had problems with my laptop and also I could not close the gate of my parents’ house, God helped me restore them all immediately after prayers (often more powerful to pray in spirit). I still remember God actually repaired different parts of my car such as the music player miraculously even without asking Him last year and other times (just doing God’s will with my car and praying often with anointing). On Monday, September 19, 2016, when I saw the sky started drizzling right before I visited my mother, I prayed for the dark clouds to move away because I did not clean my white car which would look really dirty if the rains get heavier. God did answer my prayer and I washed my car later that day. That same day, I saw the mailman came right after I had had a thought of the mailman who is coming without knowing who he is. I shared about Jesus and prayed for him (a divine appointment).
God told me to tell everyone to pray continually, small and big things (1 Thessalonians 5:17, 18; Philippians 4:6) and the preacher of the Chinese Creation TV confirmed it on the next day. Those amazing testimonies are the acts of God through prayers. People’s lives being transformed after being saved are our priority, not just financially being blessed, being healed or things being restored. Those things are good to show the reality of Christ in our lives and others whom we testify but true conversion to Christ’s living is what counts. For example, my neighbor received Jesus on September 22, 2016 and I still have a duty to make sure eventually she is a true follower of Christ (a born-again Christian).
I just posted my article about the electoral college and votes on my ministry website. I also include here the possible cause of the recent Louisiana flood.
Signs of Louisiana Flood, Blue Cut Fire, and two Earthquakes in August, 2016 As a major prophet of God, I do receive signs of major events through different channels such as this one: On August 5, 2016 around 3:30 pm, I felt “fear” for almost three hours. I knew that is a sign of major things will happen. I did share my experiences to some of you on texting and in email. Mary, my ministry member, also felt fearful on August 2, 2016. I wept two or three times and it was very unusual to me. Then after seven days later, we heard the first of four bad news within the month of August. (1) The Louisiana flood on August 12, 2016 that killed 13 people and damaged approximately 146,000 homes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Louisiana_floods) and (2) the Blue Cut fire in San Bernardino County on August 16, 2016 that burned 37,000 acres of land and destroyed 105 homes and 213 structures. In addition, (3) on August 23, 2014, a powerful 6.8-magnitude earthquake rattled central Myanmar, damaging centuries-old Buddhist pagodas in the Southeast Asian nation and killing at least three people. (4) On August 24, 2016, a 6.2 moment magnitude earthquake hit Central Italy close to Norcia, 75 km (47 mi) southeast of Perugia. God is still in the business to punish, judge, and chastise people (including His own children) due to their disobedience or rebellion. For example, we must not curse but bless and support Israel, the chosen nation of God. Read Genesis 12:3 “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” The LORD says “Do not touch My anointed ones, and do My prophets no harm.”(Psalm 105:15, 1 Chronicles 16:22).
Read this link: http://www.charismanews.com/world/59388-jewish-pundit-god-s-punishing-louisiana-with-floods-for-church-resolution (“On August 19, 2016, A Hebrew radio host claims the atrocious Louisiana floods are God's punishment for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's demand to empower Palestine and end aid to Israel. The ELCA approved the resolution last week at their General Assembly in New Orleans. The resolution states: To urge this church's members, congregations, synods, agencies and presiding bishop to call on their U.S. Representatives, Senators and the Administration to take action requiring that, to continue receiving U.S. financial and military aid, Israel must comply with internationally recognized human rights standards as specified in existing U.S. law, stop settlement building and the expansion of existing settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, end its occupation of Palestinian territory, and enable an independent Palestinian state; and To encourage this church's members, congregations, synods, and agencies to call on the U.S.President to recognize the State of Palestine and not prevent the application of the State of Palestine for full membership in the United Nations. The resolution was released August 10. The flooding began just days after. "Folks are calling it 'an act of God.' I wonder what got Him stirred up? Connect those dots!" The Hebrew News radio host said. The flood has displaced more than 86,000 people who are now asking for aid. The storm is the worst since Super Storm Sandy hit the East Coast in 2012, and the damage supersedes that of Hurricane Katrina.””)(Source: http://download.elca.org/ELCA%20Resource%20Repository/Israeli_Palestinian_Conflict.pdf).
Christians Must Involve in Politics Today More Than Other Days: Jesus and His apostles/disciples involved in politics (people and government). Read John 7:45-52, Luke 23, Matthew 23, Romans 13, Acts 5:22-42; 21:26-40;22-26 chapters. Read Isaiah 9:6 “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Based on the above scriptures from the Bible, it is acceptable to God for all Christians to involve in politics for Christ’s sake. If we do not get involved, we may lose all our freedom to preach and worship in the Church and may get persecuted more than ever. A warning!
The worst thing about people is that they have double minds and double standards. In this election, people believed the liberal media and the lies of Hillary and her democratic party and wavered or shifted their position because of what the wrong people said and thought (their lies and opinions)! Their instability is due to lack of or no faith in God (James 1:6-8; Hebrews 11:6; Matthew 17:17,20; Mark 16:14; John 20:26-29). Jesus says, what a wicked, adulterous, faithless, and crooked generation! I would never change my stand for Trump whether 10 or 2000 or 10,000 or more bad women accused or exposed Trump of his bad past history which was long gone because Trump is far better than Hillary and her democratic party who killed or supported killing of 59 million of babies in America since Roe and Wade in 1973 and 40-50 million in the world every years or 125,000 per day according to World Health Organization (WHO)! That is murdering and a major crime!
I knew some polls have been manipulated by the liberals since the first debate (I wrote an email about it). I found a few major polls have high numbers for Trump such as 70% vs. 20% for Hillary (with many voters) one or two hours after the debates! Read this: http://insider.foxnews.com/2016/10/19/schilling-polls-are-intentionally-under-representing-trumps-support?intcmp=ob_article_footer (Polls 'Intentionally Under-Representing' Trump's Support). We (God’s people (the Jews, Messianic Jews, and saved Gentiles-“People of Zion”)) must humble ourselves and pray, seek God’s face, and turn from our wicked ways and then to call America to repent (2 Chronicles 7:14)! We the Church need to repent first!
Good News for Trump: 1.https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/3719c296-81ee-383b-a199-127149066161/trump-has-2-point-edge-in-new.html (Donald Trump has a 2 percentage point edge over Hillary Clinton in Florida, according to a new poll released Wednesday (October 26, 2016).
2.http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/24/us/politics/trump-las-vegas-endorsement.html (Trump’s major endorsement Nevada’s largest newspaper, The Las Vegas Review-Journal after the third debate on October 19 in Las Vegas).
3.http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/13/upshot/how-one-19-year-old-illinois-man-is-distorting-national-polling-averages.html?_r=0 (On October 13, 2016, the 19 years old Illinois African American man distorted the wrong national poll using the average of USC/LATimes poll. Hillary’s poll went down from +4 to 0.5 points. He will vote for Trump! PTL!).
4.http://insider.foxnews.com/2016/10/22/trump-will-win-election-professor-long-track-record-predicts (A Professor with Remarkable Track Record Predicts a Trump Election Win!)
Prayer for God to Rule and to Destroy All Distractions: This new candidate, Evan McMullin can be a distraction and we must pray that McMullin will not affect the electoral votes for Trump. Read https://www.bustle.com/articles/191150-7-predictions-for-who-will-win-this-election-after-more-than-a-year-of-unpredictability (“Hard to predict” who will win. “There have been a lot of disappointments during this election, and those disappointments have been a major gain for 3rd parties…Former CIA operative and United Nations volunteer Evan McMullin launched his campaign in August. In just a short time, he has given Utah Republicans, particularly Mormons, a more palatable conservative option than Trump. McMullin could win the traditionally red state and, with any luck, block either major-party candidate from reaching the required 270 electoral votes.”
It is true that each candidate (Trump or Hillary) may not reach 270 electoral votes after the third candidate launched. The problem is that Evan McMullin (An Independent Politician; he was formerly chief policy director for the House Republican Conference in the U.S. House of Representatives) besides Gary Johnson came out at this time can actually hurt Trump’s votes because he is also a conservative! It can become a distraction.
I know God is still in control of this election but we (all conservatives and Republicans) must be wise with discretion and take action such as voting and calling people to repent besides praying. I wish God would perform a miracle in this election like mine that I shared. God loves righteousness and justice (Psalm 11:7, 33:5). I found 305 with the word "Righteousness" and 136 "Justice" in NKJV Bible. We do not ever want liberal judges in the U.S. Supreme Courts and lower courts! I agree Trump said “Law and Order”! Amen! Therefore we must vote for the Republican Party or Trump (no other) for righteous and fair judges and courts. I feel much peace and great hope! Our trust should be Christ no matter what the election will come out. May God bless America and Israel, I pray in Jesus’ mighty name!
👍In Miracle of Christ Jesus, Prophetess Esther Ng, God's bondservant for All Founder of Royal Crown of Life Ministries (James 1:12;Revelation 2:10, 3:11) www.royalcrownlife.org P.O. Box 1671, Covina, CA 91722 (626)485-7287 |
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