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10/14/16: Very Important Revelations/Vote for Political Party
Greeting All: Please read this urgent message with important revelations (1-5) for the sake of our nation, America.   If you are a U.S. Citizen, please register for your vote for this important election on November 8. 2016 (A Close Race).  You must register two weeks before the election.  Please respond to Mina Holmes for this last minute notice in this email for this special dinner meeting "Faith Outreach for Trump" in Las Vegas on October 16, 2016. 

This is what I received from the Lord God during and after I was praying and fasting during my retreat at a prayer mountain facility with a team for 4 days and 3 nights (October 3 - 6, 2016):

1. We must vote for one of the two major political parties, the Republican Party for all candidates such as Donald Trump as U.S. President. People said vote for the lesser of two evils and I like to use the best of the rotten apples because Trump is not considered evil anymore. American people and the media do not know he was recently saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. His old bad history has been cleaned by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. Some evangelical leaders and conservative Republicans do not know it either and they also attacked Trump. This is truly the warfare and the work of enemy!  Trump is the child of our most high God Jesus Christ. He needs time to grow spiritually. I do not see many of you are better than him. Have you supported gay marriages or living together without getting married? Your support of evil is a sin itself. Have you lied? Are you prideful? Are you jealous?  Do you remember the adulterous act of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky in the White House while Bill was a U.S. President?  Wasn't it disgusting?  Clinton was a lot worse than Trump who was not holding any office eleven years ago?  John 8:1-12 "....But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger....7 He raised Himself up and said to them (the people, scribes, and Pharisees), “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her (the woman caught in adultery) first.” 8 And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. 9 Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. 10 When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?” 11 She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”  Your sins are same as or worse than Trump, friends! Both Hillary and Trump have personal sins.  Hillary and her Democratic Party have the worst sins that are national sins such as supporting homosexuality, gay marriages, abortions, terrorists, and illegal immigrants etc. (Read attached file about Hillary's allegations).  See the attached photo "Vote for Values" forwarded by sister Aurupee about the values of both Hillary and Trump stand for.   Vote for the best of the rotten apples, Donald Trump.   If you do not vote for trump and his Republican Party and participate with our Lord God, God cannot do much and will go with the will or desire of the majority of American people to allow Hillary to win.  Let us set aside and vote for the political party, not really a candidate of the party; that way even you do not like the candidates i.e. Trump, you still vote for the best political party, in this case, Republican.  Mike Pence, the vice president candidate did a great job in the debate and has high poll rating. Please pray fervently and humbly for America (2 Chronicles 7:14).  We must pray especially for the great repentance and revival of the Democratic Party and the Left wing whose liberal agenda is going to destroy America! 

Yesterday I replied to Mina Holmes with a message for Trump after she had sent me an invitation email of Faith Outreach For Trump: "Pastor Esther: Please look up these two sites: The 10/16/16 Las Vegas Dinner Invitation is on the right hand upper corner. 1. Chinese:; 2. English:  Please have your friends in Las Vegas email me ( so that I know if they are coming for dinner.  Thanks.  Due to our dinner of 9/9/16 in Rowland Heights, we noticed that the opinion of the Chinese newspaper here is shifting, also one of the pastors who joined dinner that day, is doing a large church prayer event 10/23/16 in Anaheim Convention Center.  Info in my website too. God bless, Mina Holmes" (Please see attached photos of "Mina and Herman" and "Herman and Esther").

An email to Mina for Herman & Donald with Important Message for All Americans especially the Conservatives and the Republicans:

"Dear Mina: Keep up your good work, Mina! Thanks for the links. Please pass this urgent important message to Herman Martir and Donald Trump. We must assure Trump to win! Some conservatives and Republicans such as John McCain did a big damage by foolishly rejecting Trump and making negative comments about Trump after the liberal news released and showed videos about Trump's bad remarks on women 11 years ago (This is the tactic of the enemy and a real warfare that even some Christians do not see). The conservatives including Paul Ryan made a big mistake because a kingdom divides itself shall be destroyed per the Bible in Matthew 12:25,26.  If they destroy Trump, they actually raise up Hillary who is going to destroy America with the Leftists! Please contact Pastor Herman Martir to see if he can speak to Trump personally that he needs to tell everyone that his old history (old sins) has passed away because he is a new born Christian recently according to James Dobson of Focus on the Family and other spiritual leaders.   Jesus' blood has washed away his sins. No more shame and guilt for Trump. There is a big difference between Trump and Hillary who is unclean and unsaved.  His running mate Mike Pence confessed boldly of his faith in Christ Jesus during the Vice Presidential Debate and he won the debate! We must Glorify Jesus in everything we do (1 Corinthians 10:31; 2 Corinthians 9:13-15). If we acknowledge Jesus before men, Jesus will acknowledge us before our Heavenly Father and His angels and if we deny Jesus, He will deny us also (Matthew 10:32, 33).  Do not be ashamed of the gospel which is the power of God (Romans 1:16)! I would rather lose all the things in this world including a high earthly position than to deny Jesus who gives us (His born-again children) eternal life! I found my eternal life and my spiritual eyes have completely opened because I put God first in my everything! I have seen the glory of God! Praise God the most High! Praise Jesus, the only Savior of the world, the only mediator between God and men and there is no other (Acts 4:12; 1 Timothy 2:1-5)!  He is worthy. May God bless America and make America great again in Jesus' holy mighty name, Amen!  Mina, thanks for passing this message!"

This afternoon, I also found from the news that James Dobson still supports Trump:

2. Attention: Some spiritual leaders do not have full knowledge of God and spiritual discernment and need more training and learning but they are not willing to continuously seeking God and to learn due to their pride. If you do not have, how can you give to others? God is going to hold us accountable to things that could have learned but have not. We must be humble to be exalted (James 4:6,10). I do teach and preach "heavenly treasures" from the Bible and the Holy Spirit to different people but they cannot receive my word unless they are humble and teachable. God teaches His children through God the Holy Spirit, the Bible, His prophets, and His ordained ministers. God would then open their spiritual eyes. I also have to be patient with those who are lack of knowledge and understanding. Love is patient and kind (1 Corinthians 13)!

3. I really cannot easily find a real leader anymore (a self-denial spiritual leader or a community leader).  A leader is supposed to be like Jesus who sacrificed His own life for others.  I am happy to find the Alabama Judge, Roy Moore is a true leader!  He has done what is just and righteous for our nation to uphold the Law of God!   We must trust the Lord from now.  Rejoice if you are 100% walking with the Lord Jesus.

4. On my last day on the prayer mountain, I was full of the Holy Spirit to prophesy to the team members: "Love one another so that the world would see. You are my disciple if you love one another. I want to draw more people from the world to Me in the last days. Be careful of your tongue. I will show you signs and wonders." Read John 17:11,20-23.   I know I am God's disciple.  Lately God has given me more signs and wonder for His glory.  Praise the Lord!

5. I desired to teach this team on prayer mountain the correct way to do holy communion.   We must do our very best for any holy communion and keep it holy. We must use grape juice (fruit of the vine)(Matthew 26:26-29), not other kind of juice. We must pour the same grape juice bottle to each cup. If you forgot to bring grape juice, use water (the blood has water and also it means purification). You must break the same bread (unleavened or Passover bread (Matzos)) as a meaning of sinless broken body of Christ and every broken piece represents a part of Christ's body (believers/disciples) in unity; you should be able to find matzos in some supermarkets such as Ralph and distribute it to everyone. If anyone does not want to confess and repent from sins, encourage him or her not to take the holy communion. Read the scriptures if there is someone not familiar with the holy communion (1 Corinthians 11:23-34).  Please make sure everyone genuinely examining their hearts and confessing their sins first, then everyone prays together for the bread and then the cup.  The bread represents the body of Jesus and the cup, Jesus' blood.  Jesus' body on the cross was bruised for our iniquities and was wounded for our transgression (Isaiah 53:4-6).  His blood was shed for sins of all human beings who believe Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (John 3:16-18).

May America Glorify our Lord Jesus due to His Love for us! Please pass this email to all of your recipients of your mailing list! Thank you!

👍In Salvation Grace of Christ Jesus,
Prophetess Esther Ng, God's bondservant for All
Founder of Royal Crown of Life Ministries (James 1:12;Revelation 2:10, 3:11)
P.O. Box 1671, Covina, CA 91722
Royal Crown of Life Ministries is a 501c3 tax exempt nonprofit organization