| 8/6/16: Urgent Prayer Request / Time of Great Deception & Depres | | | | | Greeting All: I love you all and pray that you all receive full blessing of God. This is what happened. After I took a nap this afternoon around 2:30 pm today Friday (8/5/16), I woke up and felt very fearful at around 3:30 pm and that fear has endured more than 2 hours and even now at 6:46 pm, though it is not as intense as before but still there. I also felt like weeping. The similar experience I had after the prayer walk in the morning at around 7 am on May 17, 2014 (Saturday). I was weeping and God showed me many will die and get sick. Then 2 months later on July 17, 2014 (the same date "17", the prophecy came to pass with a plane crash (MH 17) and later Ebola epidemic. I was at great peace before I took the nap. This fear may be a sign of something major going to happen?
Let's pray to ask God for mercy. "Dear Heavenly Father, we know that the world is getting worse and worse. You are our only security and peace in this trouble time. You are our fortress, our shield, our refuge, our strong tower, and our help in time of need. We can trust You. Many people including so called "pastors" and "Christians" who are worldly have deception, confusion, and blindness. Call them to repent, Lord! We earnestly ask You to remove all kinds of "enemies" such as deception from our lives. Please fill us with Your holy presence and glory and send us your guardian angels to protect us today. Thank you! In Jesus' mighty name we pray. Amen!"
It is surely the last days! Please pray continually. Thank you! I sent a text to ask some intercessors to pray. According to the Bible, in the last days (now), there will be great deception coming to the world as well as the God's elect (God has called or invited many but only a few are chosen (Matthew 22:14)). That is why even "pastors" may not be chosen at the end! 2 Timothy 3:13 "But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." Matthew 24:24 24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." In order to avoid deception, you must get discernment by your good Bible knowledge (Hebrews 5:14 "But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.") and our Holy Spirit (our wonderful Counselor) or by consulting and yoking with more than one mature spiritual Christian who has discernment with great knowledge of the Bible and manifestation of the Spirit.
I text to my phone recipients from time to time. Recently, God asked me to expose the falsehood of unlimited businesses as well as false prophets as follows:
Unlimited Business is equal to idolatry of money. How can any company have unlimited business? Must use a bait to attract the fish. The bait is mostly "good product" but very expensive and the fish is "you, your family, relatives and friends". Do you know the definition of a scheme? A plan with a motive to succeed. An evil scheme is a plan with a wrong motive to succeed in the expense of someone or something. In unlimited business, it is human resources and power! Do you still want to be in? You decide! Who is behind of Multi-level network marketing and direct sales businesses? The devil n demons. Their plan is to draw believers and disciples away from God. They imitate the functions of church with prayers and fellowship using Jesus' name and that is why Christians are deceived and join them. Who is your master God or Mammon? Do you know the devil is able to heal people and make good products but at Your Cost! I found that I cannot have two masters as what Jesus and the Bible say. Why you think you can have two masters? Even a regular business or a job can become an idol to some people. What you think unlimited business will do to anyone? I pray for you all to see 👐👀! Please pass it to anyone in unlimited business!
Extreme Grace False Preaching: To a so called "pastor" and a "Christian" and those followers of false prophets: I wrote on WeChat. Thanks for some good articles but I just noticed one Joseph Prince video you sent on July 24, 2016. Now I know why we are different in spirit (Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 11:4 "For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it!" No!) but you have same spirit with a girl "Christian" who said the same thing that it is about the finished work on the cross to avoid disciplined living and conviction with repentance. You both were totally deceived by false preachers or prophets, i.e. Joel Osteen, Robert Schuller (church closed down finally), and Joseph Prince (I shared their falsehood years ago). Joseph Prince is a false "positive thinking" preacher for sure. His preaching about hope is totally misleading. It is not fleshly hope of this world that God is talking about in Romans 5:3-5 "3 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." It is eternal hope of salvation. It is divine! He is totally off. Please watch out. Now I know why we disagree so much! Please fast and pray to get rid of false spirits now. Ask God to forgive you and tell everyone and communicate about false prophet Joseph Prince! To save yourself and others from his pollution. Amen! I pray for you. Love you!
In conclusion, grace is the privilege of God and is given by God. Mercy is given by God as well as by men. "Extreme grace" false teaching is from men and their flesh. Human beings today after Jesus came to the world cannot give grace to anyone. Only kings in the Old Testament can give grace. Grace and Truth are from Jesus (John 1:14,17) alone. The grace of God comes according to God and His will not men's wishes or desires. Receive Jesus receive Grace. Amen! 😇 The finished work of the cross of Jesus Christ is for our beginning salvation (Jesus died for our sins). It is not to take away our responsibilities, holy living, and the needs of repentance! We must grow! Please heed the word and interpret the Word of God correctly!
Resources: Go to www.odb.org for your daily devotion and to my bio under icon "About Us" for powerful testimonies for your encouragement and the "Very Urgent Message for Your Life" under newsletter of www.royalcrownlife.org if you have not read it! This is an extended version of the text message! You all need soul foods to save and bless your own mind and soul. The Holy Bible! Yeah ✌👍👆! 👌 May God bless you! P.S. Please pass to all your friends and families!
👍In Mighty Arms of Christ Jesus, Prophetess Esther Ng, God's bondservant for All Founder of Royal Crown of Life Ministries (James 1:12;Revelation 2:10, 3:11) www.royalcrownlife.org P.O. Box 1671, Covina, CA 91722 (626)485-7287 |
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