| 7/16/16: Must Read All: A Very Urgent Message For Your Life | | | | | All: God asked me to send this urgent message (on text and then email) to you all from this morning and please pass and share it with your family and all relatives, friends, and Christians through text, email, letter, or any form of written and verbal communications. I have been writing a lot of ministry newsletters in readable forms for all levels of people who know English since 1994. I wrote everyday in 2014 and from time to time in 2015 until today. Because I wrote so many emails and knew that people were too busy to go to any website and read, therefore I have not posted those newsletters from 2014 and after including those major prophecies with fulfillment. I will try my best to add all important old emails like today's one to my ministry website if time is allowed. It is good to post them especially for new recipients. People told me to write books with such great knowledge and discernment I have? May God's will be done! Thanks for your prayer.
Read to the end; all important messages in this email! 🎌 Very Urgent! Please pass to All 🌹: We must come to our Lord with all our heart now. It may be too late if we do not obey Him. Some or majority of people will be regretted one day when they are in lake of fire 😨. They will cry out 😭 to Jesus: "Jesus, Have mercy on me and I am in great pain and agony 😫😢💀!" Jesus then says to them "I sent you prophets and my people to you and you rejected them and did not listen. Now is too late and you have to suffer eternally because I have given much grace and mercy 😘💕 💙 and opportunities 💞 to you and you went with your own ways and refused to repent from your sins. That was your choice. What you sowed, you reaped. It is final!" Jesus then walks away. Read Luke 16:19-31; Revelation 20-22. Take heed! 🌅🌼 May God still grant you more grace 💟🎁 and you will be wise! 👍In truth, Prophetess Esther Ng, www.royalcrownlife.org, P.O. Box 1671, Covina, CA 91722
Luke 16:19-31: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+16%3A19-31&version=NKJV Revelation 20-22: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+20&version=NKJV
Prophecy of Salvation & Protection For All Now: God also told me this morning to comfort you: You must trust God Jesus for your life because you have seen the worst things coming to the whole world (natural disasters, murdering and killing, and terrorism etc.). You must be in Christ to get full protection by receiving His grace of salvation leading to eternal life, the final ultimate eternal blessing in heaven. Your hope shall be in heaven above not on earth. God will show you, the righteous ones, how to run off from all troubles and He will send His guardian angels to watch over you when you call on Jesus (Psalm 91; 121). Even though you may face persecution of all kinds for His name's sake, He will be with you and you will see Him and His glory as His disciples from the book of Acts, i.e. Steven the martyr (Acts 7:54-60: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+7&version=NKJV).
God loves you and wants to save and bless you and your family! A free gift of salvation! All you have to do is to believe, receive, follow Jesus and obey His commandments. Your sins will be forgiven when you call Jesus as Savior and Lord! No guilt and no shame. No one is righteous and good before God; all are sinners (Romans 3). We all need this only Savior, Jesus! Check out "Receive Christ" or http://www.royalcrownlife.org/information.php?information_id=8
An Important Prophecy For All Churches and Christians: Please pray and give generously to true Christian ministries/churches for the poor (spiritually and physically) and the sick especially in those poor countries where there is no support of the government and families and also to the Christian ministers who are faithful to God and honest to all people! Churches need to support and love one another as an example to all. This is the last days; you must live by faith! No choice. Money cannot save you. God allows saving but not more than six months (should be no saving and live by faith alone, six month is God's grace to you due to your lack of faith); if pastors/ministers want to keep money for more than 6 months' expenses, you must not ask for donation. Yet, you can ask donation for other true ministries, churches, and missionaries who truly serve God faithfully. I released this prophecy about saving and donation to some Christians through text at the end of last year 2015. Now is for all Christians. If you obey, you would then receive highest blessings - honor and rewards on earth and in heaven! The greatest in heaven is like a little child (humble and simple, depends on his father for provision) and humble servants of all (Matthew 18:1-5; 23:11). If you do not obey this prophecy, you may even lose your salvation! You must choose only one of the two masters: God or money (Luke 16:13)!
I am a living example, not a hypocrite or God cannot use me to speak, prophesy, teach, exhort, admonish, or warn you etc. No lies! It is an urgent time to release all our physical wealth and all our resources besides your basic needs for Jesus' Great Commission and God's eternal Kingdom which is so near! So near! No luxury lifestyle and no saving needed! God does not please with those who have no faith or lack of faith (Hebrews 11:6; Mark 16:14)! All things I shared are scriptural from the Bible and from Holy Spirit. God is touching me to share. Ask the Lord!
Be careful of those false physically wealthy false prophets/ministries, who always say to you: God told me to tell you to give a certain amount (i.e. $3000 or $10,000). Woe to them! It is not biblical! Every giving before or after tithe should be free will from the heart, cheerfully, not compulsively (2 Corinthians 9:6). It is fine to tell people how much you need; just like Pastor Anil from India told us $741 for his hospital bill, and God has provided him $800. God also used me to share with him why he got sick but God turned evil for the good and granted him grace. My ministry gave Pastor Anil $300 (the Lord spoke to me about our ministry love account with this amount and how He has provided for my ministry) without foreknowledge of how much others would give. God is faithful as you can see. I know Pastor Anil, myself, my ministry and others I support need more donations for the gospel and for the poor.
I have preached everywhere in U.S. and other countries; I enjoy it so much because God has given me such a great passion and urgency for the lost souls and lost "Christians" who need true ministry. I found many so called "Christians" fell away; it was in the survey from the news. Sad! Three people received Jesus yesterday and I gave them three Bibles and the mother told me she felt so good after my prayer! Her pain due to stomach cramp also reduced! I must follow up with them; if I would spend more time in a regular job, my ministry time has to reduce. I love to serve God more than anything else. I, a part time caregiver, have currently been taking care of my 86 year old mother who has dementia. Eventually I may not receive a pay according to my brother. Please pray for God's will and timing for me and my team and our provision. Thank you!
Please do not just pray for the poor; it takes faith with action to give generously (James 1:23-27: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James+1%3A+23-28&version=NKJV). God for sure will reward you! Acceptable fasting to God is to take care of the poor and release the oppressed etc. (Isaiah 58). I have experienced the benefits of faith with actions such as sowing seeds to the poor. For example, God has anointed me more and more and bless my spirit so much that money cannot buy! It is eternal treasure. God often speaks to me, a warning prophet and has made me see mysterious things that are hidden so that I am able to oversee churches, pastors, prophets, and leaders (Matthew 13:11-17) that is truly a double honor (1 Timothy 5:17) due to my pure heart and diligence in services, and my obedience to Him even the time was rough and I was outside of comfort zone! A few who has understanding said to me that I am the leader of the leaders.
For example, God gave me opportunity last Monday's meeting. I stood up and spoke before many pastors and ministers in a meeting: "Our God is the only one and He is above and has wisdom greater than men; we need to be a martyr for Christ like apostle Paul in jail with persecution and without compromising the truth!" The funny thing is a few worried about my clothing than my spirit, God's Word and His Spirit, and my heart before I spoke. I got distracted a little but ignored them until the end. My dress was reversed that I did not know. I was in a hurry to the meeting after I served someone on the phone. The label was outside. The color and pattern on both front and back looks similar. It is so nice and kind to have someone tell us, our mistakes (should do it at right timing). After the meeting, I immediately went to the bathroom and changed. God told me it is a test to see who is for the Spirit and for the heart, and for God's message and who is for the flesh and outward appearance after I asked him why this happened? It is God's. I did not feel embarrassed because I did not tempt anyone with my clothing. I past it because God's Spirit was in me! The best! Those ministers/pastors can be my witnesses. A few said to me "You are so bold wow! Hard to find someone like you!" Glory to God! Remember more persecutions for Christians means more salvation of the lost souls! Read John 12:24.
Brothers and Sisters, when you give financially, it may not be the money God would return to you, far greater than it i.e. life and Health, perfect joy and peace, wisdom, family unity, no sickness, no injury, and no accident from His protection, favors of God and men, answers to all your prayers. My word of wisdom is that saving lost money and time caused by trouble is making money and redeeming time! We despise God and His glory if we use money to compare with eternal life. At least two year ago, I told God I want Him and His Kingdom, not money and earthly wealth so that I can exercise or live by my faith alone and please just takes care my basic needs on earth and my ministry for people. He finally answered my sincere prayer. Today, I am sufficiently provided and have no lack and even a little extra if the sinners and borrowers would return my money soon. Yet, financially and physically, I am at the bottom but spiritually and mentally, I am on the top! Yeah! Alleluia! Now you must choose and remember you cannot love both money (temporary) and God (permanent and wisdom etc.) in the last days. I have followed God's will and sacrificed my six digit high salary of my chemical engineering job for God's ministries for more than twelve years and also stayed single (1 Corinthians 7:25-40) though I had good potentials and admirers. I loved both ministries and chemical engineering career. I chose ministries or God's will in those years. I know some of you have really prayed for me. I am grateful from my heart!
[ An Invitation to Abundant Eternal Life ] “Ho! Everyone who thirsts, Come to the waters; And you who have no money, Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk Without money and without price." -Isaiah 55:1; John 4:13,14 "Jesus answered and said to her (the Samaritan woman who had five husbands met Jesus by the well), “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” Please pray for one another. Thank you!
May God bless you all and America and other countries all over the world! Pray and Vote for Trump and the Less evil ones out of those rotten apples as leaders and convict and preach especially to the worst sinners to save America and all nations!
Psalm 41:1,2 "Blessed is he who considers the poor; The LORD will deliver him in time of trouble.2 The LORD will preserve him and keep him alive, And he will be blessed on the earth; You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies. 3 The LORD will strengthen him on his bed of illness; You will sustain him on his sickbed." Psalm 121:7, 8 "The LORD shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. 8 The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore."
👍In truth In Faith In Love of Christ Jesus, Prophetess Esther Ng, God's bondservant for All Founder of Royal Crown of Life Ministries (James 1:12;Revelation 2:10, 3:11) www.royalcrownlife.org P.O. Box 1671, Covina, CA 91722 (626)485-7287 (Must pass this very urgent message to all you know especially the recipients in your mailing list whether you love them or not because God loves you all (John 3:16) and still desires to grant unfailing love, grace, and mercy to those who are evil and lost (2 Peter 3:9) before they die. Do not despise "one person" even a poor man: (Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 15 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+15&version=NKJV: the power of One to hundreds, thousands, millions, to billions! One person saves and all angels rejoice! Every vote counts according to the leaders of the election and polling places!) |
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