Greeting All Precious Saints and Beloved People:
Movie Night: This is a reminder of the new good movie: "Unstoppable" by Kirk Cameron on Tuesday, September 24:
This is the link for the theaters near you for tickets; a service charge of $2 per ticket if you buy them on line : n=UNSTOPPABLE#!unstoppable/more-info/theater-locations or
An Important Word to Whom It May Concern (Pastors, Church Leaders, Christians, etc.):
Yesterday morning, September 13, 2013, while I was doing some cleaning for my home, I received a Word for a pastor of a big congregation after many prayers. You may need this prophecy also. The Lord says that He is NOT going to judge a church based on how many attendance or members inside the building. He is going to praise and reward a church or an individual servant of God who really influences the community to receive Jesus and to make moral and righteous leaders or disciples (Matthew 5:19,20). "Make disciples of all nations", a command of the Lord in Matthew 28:19,20. So, to Him, the number of attendance should not be the concern of any pastor or leader; it is God who adds believers. Acts 2:47 says "The Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." It is the number of believer in a community, not to a particular church building or name (Acts 6:7). He is the Lord who does the increase and make the seeds grow (1 Corinthians 3:6-9). Our focus is to preach the gospel and minister to those who believe to become disciples.
He said some pastors or church leaders worry too much of how many attendance, how beautiful the building, and how much donation they receive and end up compromising the truth by preaching seeker friendly mediocre messages or by playing politics or by not telling what the Lord wants them to say. It is worldly. Be not a hypocrite but a doer of what you teach. Read Revelations 2, 3 about the Sardis, Ephesus, and Laodicea churches. God wants every church to be perfect. Get the church (the body of Christ) ready by having good anointed worship services, building up outreach teams in His way, and organizing godly cell groups and solid Bible studies as in the book of Acts. There will be blessings as well as persecutions (good and "bad" things will happen together). If you want to see greater miracles or blessings, you must take up the cross, die of self. Anointing is costly. Every member is responsible for the well being of the Church.
He said today many influential Christian leaders or Jesus' disciples do not have many members in one location but everywhere from city to city. Their ministries and good deeds may not be noticeable and people even despise and reject them often. Look at the lives of the true apostles and disciples of the church in book of Acts for your example. They seek God's praises, not men's praises, and sow seeds in His Kingdom. Men look at outward and appearance and crowd but God looks at hearts. In 1 Samuel 16:7, the LORD said to prophet Samuel: "...For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart". The Lord also looks at and raises up a few, the foolish and despised things of the world (1 Corinthians 1:18-31), and things that are unknown to people.
Action: Do not put number of members or attendance and the donation amount in the church bulletins. Read the above message to your congregation. Tell the congregation that you are accountable to God for their donation and everything you do. If they cannot trust you with the money and things that are important, they should seek God for another church (a group of believers) they can trust. Please pray for your church and all churches.
Praise Reports and Prayer Requests:
1. Thanks to those who prayed for me and my employer. Since September 3, We have had prayer meetings every morning from Monday to Friday in the office at 10 am for 10 minutes (In John 10:10, Jesus says "...I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly". God gave me this revelation (a word of knowledge) before the first meeting. I also received prophecies for the owner and the staff of the company. God answered our requests. Please continue to pray for the success of this company and for the unity of Christ among us to glorify Jesus. They and other supporters have blessed me and our Lord and my work. God honored me by granting me three days off for my birthday week (not my plan) with gifts, free lunch, drink, ice-cream, and games, and a free boat ride to Catalina Island (free gifts for your birthday until April 2014, check out I used the two days for carpet and house cleaning as well as ministries. My manager may be still looking for a good process (chemical) engineer. If you are interested, please call me or send me an e-mail. Also, I will send those words of edification from the Lord I e-mailed to my company about our prayer meetings.
2. Please pray for my coming China trip from October 21 to November 11. I had an obstacle early this week and God has resolved it. Thanks Jesus. Pray that everything goes smooth, my traveling mercy, and all divine appointments in China and a big door of preaching will be opened so that I would evangelize fearlessly and the mystery of the gospel will be revealed (Ephesians 6:19,20). Also, please especially pray a blessing for the pastor and his wife, who will accommodate me after my 10 day trip and those who bless me in this trip.
3. Pray for my divine appointments with different elected officials like Roger Hernandez (Assembly member) and Fred Sykes (Council member) of West Covina and other San Gabriel Valley cities. Pray for all elected officials to love God and build up their intimate personal relationship with Christ, and stand for what is good in the eyes of God.
4. Pray for God to protect America, Israel, other nations, all Christian families, and those who are for human rights. May we all trust the Lord! Pray against dictatorship, murdering, terrorism, and brutality of the Assad's Regime in Syria. Pray that President Obama will make a wise decision to come against their chemical weapons which are destructive: (R-rated! It will shock you! Not a movie. This is real, not fiction.) (Innocent children were (are) suffering! Have mercy!)
May the God of Nissi (banner) grant you victory in every area of your life in Jesus Christ! I pray! Shalom!
Esther, your faithful servant |