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8/26/13: Feedback 8/20/13: A Word / An Urgent Prayer Request

The following is the feedback from a minister, brother Dan.  I was moved by what he shared.  Thanks Dan!  In fact, I had two dreams about three or four days ago.  The first dream or vision happened while I was still awake and my eyes were closed; it is like a video or a movie and I saw different places with many people and they are colorful but I noticed one place where I found a guy wearing black clothing; I didn't want to look at him closely because I know he is the evil one.  It came to pass yesterday.  Wow!  I had another dream similar to this.  Both dreams symbolize what would take place.   God used them to protect me before it happened.  So I can be ready by praying first and be strong. Unbelievable!  He is alive!  May God bless you for seeking Him with all your heart.  His JOY comes to you!  He loves you and is able to bless you so much if you obey and trust Him!  


From the deepest part of my heart, Esther (Edna)


Dear pastor Edna,

  Thank you for bringing this up to your flock.  It is not a very popular or familiar subject here in America.  One of the reasons may be that we have been the majority for so long, that is Christian at our core.  At least if people were not Christian, they still knew in their hearts that God was to be feared.  Not so today.  God has been legislated out of our lives in some many arenas.


   Last Sunday morning our pastor told of an experience he had while preaching in India.  The pastor of the local church that he was a guest at, requested that he preach on suffering.  Our pastor, Dr. David Cooper, responded by saying that he didn't feel qualified to speak on it since he hasn't really ever been persecuted or suffered for his faith in America.  The local pastor insisted, so Dr. Cooper taught on suffering.


   During the sermon he noticed a woman in the congregation whose face had bruises on it.  It was partially covered by a scarf but was still very evident and severe in nature.  After the sermon he asked the local pastor what had happened to that woman.  The pastor told him that when she had returned home after attending the meeting the previous night and her husband who was not a Christian found out about it, he beat her severely.  In that part of India, women are treated like property and the laws did not outlaw him from beating her.  What was her reaction to the beating?  She still attended the next meeting the following day, knowing that she might receive the same treatment or worse from her husband who had forbid her to attend.


  Pastor Cooper said that is what a true Christian is.  Someone who is so persuaded of their beliefs that no matter what the consequences, they will stand for the Name of Christ.  I couldn't help but shed a tear for this woman and the condition of my heart in comparison to her brave stand. How I have been timid when boldness was necessary.  I have much growing to do here. I too know little of suffering.


  Unfortunately, I may discover a similar fate.  The previous morning while in that twilight state between sleep and awakening, I had a vision of Americans being herded like cattle in a forced march.  It reminded me of scenes of the Holocaust or like scenes that I had seen in the movie "Schindler's List" a movie about the persecution of Jews and more specifically persecution in the Jewish section of Warsaw Poland.  Jews were massacred there without mercy and many were shipped off in trains to be exterminated in gas chambers.


  So to have this vision last Saturday morning and then have the pastor more or less confirm it by preaching on suffering the next morning was ominous.  Thanks for what you do, pastor.


In Him,


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