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7/21/13 E-mail: My dream of A Person Weeping

Hi Intercessors/or friends:  This is an advanced e-mail for your prayer and your revelations (if you have any) from the Lord.  I like to put everything together with Scriptures for my two dreams in June and this dream soon. 


I had a dream in the afternoon on Tuesday 7/16/13 when I took a nap after I prayed.  I saw a person (not quite remember the look of that person) who is weeping with much grief.   I asked the Lord what it means and then three days later, on 7/19/13, I received this following mail in my e-mail box.  To me it may mean God is weeping over America.  I believe it is a warning (read my highlighted message (yellow color).  Please share if you have a prophetic interpretation of my dream.  Thanks.


Weeping over Jerusalem by Asher Intrater of Revive Israel Ministries on Friday 7/19/13 (


I write this article on the 9th of Av, the day of mourning the destruction of Jerusalem (Jeremiah 39:2 – In the 9th day of the 4th month, the city was broken into.) Two people are recorded in the Bible as weeping over Jerusalem:


Jeremiah in Lamentations 2:11, 18; 3:48; and Yeshua in Luke 19:41 – When He approached and saw the city, He wept over it, saying, "If you only knew today what would make for your peace."


While there is not much detail about Yeshua's feelings, Lamentations has five full chapters about Jeremiah's. Lamentations may be seen as an extended prophetic description of Yeshua's feelings as well. Luke 19:41 capsulizes in one verse the weeping and mourning of the book of Lamentations.


Yeshua and Jeremiah had much in common, and were perceived so by the crowds (Matthew 16:14). One reason is that they both prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple; - Jeremiah before the Babylonian Exile (586 BC) and Yeshua before the Great Exile (70 AD).


Jerusalem is the capital of Yeshua's kingdom and the seat of His earthly government. When Yeshua prophesied of its destruction, He did so with tears of grief and pain.  For Yeshua, the destruction of Jerusalem was the destruction of His own capital. He prophesied this event repeatedly:


Matthew 22:7 – … burned their city with fire.  (Esther adds this following comment: "Could that be related to my recent dream on June 24 about burning and smoke by fire with the confirmation of the worst Arizona fire on July 1 or 2 killing 19 firemen and later on July 7, the fire of a plane due to plane crash to S.F. airport runway (Asiana airline), S.F. has the highest percent of gay people in CA, and also more mountain fires in Riverside, Palm Springs, Fern Valley. etc. since July 15,  the officials says the 75% increase of fire of the last 5 years (2008? After Obama took office? Ruling rejected Prop 8?) and they also predicted that the fires in S. Calif could be the worst in 100 years??? 2600 fires so far? (Refer to ).  We need to pray more to confirm everything.  A warning I believe for all.")

Matthew 23:39; Luke 13:35 – Behold your house is left to you desolaete…
Matthew 24:2; Mark 13:2, Luke 19:44 – Not one stone will be left upon a stone…
Luke 19:43 – Your enemies will build an embankment against you… on every side and level you to the ground.
Luke 20:16 – He will destroy the vine keepers and give the vineyard to others.
Luke 21:20 – When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, know that its desolation is near.
Luke 21:24 – They will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles…

This was a central event of biblical history, similar to the exodus from Egypt and the flood of Noah. There is a profound parallel between the destruction of the Temple and the crucifixion of Yeshua. May God grant us grace to understand the significance both of Jerusalem's destruction and its restoration!


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