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7/2/13 Email of Two Prophetic Dreams & Wildfire in Arizona
Dear Friends:  I feel that I should send it to everyone in my list!  Thanks for prayer.
I sent this message to some of you for prayer: I had a dream in the afternoon of last Monday (6/24/13), three days before the ruling of the Supreme Court to legalize gay marriages in CA.  I was taking a nap in my couch located at the corner of my living room; I laid my head on the side near the corner.  In my dream, I saw black smokes coming out there and then I tried to find out what is burning; a flying bird (as an Eagle?) came out and was on fire.  I felt frightened.  I prayed over it and also anointed the area with oil.  As I was asking the Lord what it means last Friday (6/28/13), I noticed a rolled up big American flag on a pole is also at the corner of my living room.  I have received Scriptures (like Ezekiel 39:6 as well as Obadient 1:4, Leviticus 11:13, Hosea 9:10,11, Isaiah 11:11, 51:6) related to this dream and two interpretations from a pastor and a minister and will share them in my newsletter soon.  All are confirmations. Thank you pastors! 
Does this dream have to do with God's judgment on America with Fire? God promised not to judge the world with water again but with burning fire (Genesis 9:11-17, 2 Peter 3:9-12).  Does the Fire in Arizona on Sunday June 30, 2013 have to do with my prophetic dream, per the news article: "It was the deadliest day for firefighters since the 9/11 attacks. And it is the deadliest wild land fire since 1933, according to a list from the U.S. National Wildfire Coordinating Group", and a voice of God to speak to America?  Think? What about the coming July 4, the firework?  Be careful and prayerful, friends!  May God bless and protect you all! 
I also had another dream on Saturday afternoon around 3 pm after our worship service, I was taking a nap; I saw three keys next to a door.  I believe that one is for heaven, another for hell, and the third for earth, our earthly requests.  I will pray more about it. Per the Bible, God gives us keys of the heaven, His disciples (Matthew 16:19, Revelation 1:18).  I believe I have all 3 keys. Interestingly, later, I went to my Juno webmail and I found an ad with a picture of the keys and the key chain with an article by key Brite  "Key Brite is the key chain with ultra-bright, motion activated LED lights".  I've never received an advertisement selling key or key accessory before.  So it was sent an hour later 4 pm after my dream.  I will explain more of it with Scriptures in my newsletter. 
Please pray and see what God gives you, a prophetic revelation or interpretation of these two dreams.  If you do receive something such as your experiences, a Bible Scripture, or an interpretation, please reply to me and share them.  Please read my following reply to a group of recipients.  Thanks Jackey and Ben to send me their comments of this wild fire. Please pray for America and for the comfort of the families of these 19 dead firefighters. Jesus says "Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." (John 12:24)   Let us mourn for the loss.   It can become a warning (a blessing) to some of you and America.  Take heed! 
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: "Pastor Edna (Esther) Ng" <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2013 02:11:28 GMT
I agree!  My parents' neighbor was a fireman and he was paralyzed with Parkinson disease.  He is such a loving person to our whole family.  I love firefighters for they always go an extra mile to save and protect the people during the fire.  One time, a lady I met waved at the firefighters in the fire truck when they passed by.  She told me she loves the firemen but I told her that you gave the wrong signal to them and they think that you need a rescue, have an emergency.  So do not do that.  Please let us leave a prayer to the family of all these 19 young firefighters who lost their lives for being responsible of their duties.  May they all are saved and rest in peace with Christ in Paradise.  I feel so sorry for them and their families.  
Also, it is also an opportunity for us to think that life is uncertain and we don't know when is our last day.  So, we must take God's salvation seriously and obey Him, His Word and do His will.  Don't sin any more for the wages of sin is death.  God made a way for us to be saved and to have eternal life through Christ Jesus.  So, we take hold of it and don't despise His grace and mercy.  We shall follow Him daily.  Love Jesus and walk closely with Him.  Love mercy and justice and God's righteousness.  Call on Him when we need help and strength and He will provide.  Honor Him with our lives, our bodies.  Don't conform to the world but be transformed by renewing our mind; have the mind of Christ (Romans 12:1-3, 1 Cor. 2:15).  God loves us so much and how can we grieve Him or the Holy Spirit. 
If you have a parent who sacrificed so much for you, with tears and hard work and unconditional love for years, would you turn against them?  Jesus sacrificed all for us, how would we deny Him and ignore Him.  My dear friends, it is your opportunity to show your love for Jesus who paid a big price for us.  I mean what I share from the deepest part of my heart.  I love you all and I love Him so so much!  I often ask God to save and bless everyone by their willingness to respond to Him "Yes, Jesus".  Go to my website  to receive Christ as your Lord by making confession of your sins and if you need to be saved and or to recommit your life to Jesus.  May God eternally bless and keep you!  May God use you as His light to this dying world and bring many to heaven and cast them out of fiery darkness, the hell!      

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Jackey
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2013 18:34:53 -0700 (PDT)
The firefighters are our true heroes. They are fighting the fires with their lives every day right here in the US, not some 6,000 miles away in the Middle East and Afghanistan, protecting the oil and gas interests of some US corporations.  
Our hearts and souls go out to the families of our heroes. They will be always remembered and appreciated.
From: Ben 
Sent: Monday, July 1, 2013 4:53 PM

 Loss of 19 firefighters in Arizona blaze 'unbearable,' governor says 
19 firefighters killed in Arizona blaze 
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