Greeting Beloved Patriots, Christian Family, Elected Leaders, and all Americans:
The following are the musical short videos for you to remember our fallen heroes, our veterans, and those who sacrificed their lives for America. We thank you for your love and prayer for America, one nation under God.
Yesterday, after my dinner with my mother, my sister and my brother in law and family, I took my mother home and the last song I heard from 107.9 FM is Via Dolorosa which touched me so much. So, I decide to share this beautiful song with you on this special Memorial Day. We remember and honor those military men and women who died for our country and mostly importantly, everyday we honor Jesus who died for you and me, our souls! No greater love than this: "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). Jesus laid down his life for you and me!
Via Dolorosa (Mark 15:5-20, Isaiah 53:4,5): Enjoy! (English and Spanish with lyrics, by Sandy Patti, great voice!) (English with the movie "Passion of Christ", song by Sandy Patti) (English and Spanish, Solo performance by Tatiana, so beautiful voice!) (Both English & Chinese with lyrics and great pictures, singing with sweet voice!) (New Chinese version based on "Passion of Christ", song by Siew Sun Wong)
Jesus died so that you may have eternal life. We should love Jesus and put Him first in your life. Please receive Jesus by this prayer "Dear Jesus, please come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. Forgive my sins and wash me clean. Make me born again and receive your eternal life. Lead and guide me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!" Congratulation and now you are a child of God. This is the beginning of your new life and please start today and walk in His way obediently to make sure you are a true heir of God and joint heir with Christ (Romans 8:17) and receive all inheritances and abundant love and everlasting promises from Him! Prepare yourselves everyday and think like today is your last day on earth. Take heed and come to me so I can teach you personally everything you need to know how to prepare yourselves for your eternal life for free. Please call me at (626)485-7287 for an appointment. Please also join us at 718 S. Azusa Ave., West Covina, CA 91791 every Saturday at 10 am for a new Sunday school class and 10:45 am for worship and preaching. Welcome!
Please pray this special prayer for our country and veterans: "Dear Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom comes, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:9). Jesus, our loving God. We know that there is a tremendous number of soldiers and people we know have sacrificed their lives for us, for our freedom. This nation, America was found in Christianity, the God (Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit) of the Bible. The liberty comes from You and in You. You and those soldiers who died for our country are a good example to us. We ask you to remind your (their) sacrificial love and therefore, make us lay down our lives like you for others, for this country by being humble servants, courageous prayerful men or women without fear to stand for what is fair, just, constitutional, and righteous. You say "Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a disgrace to any people" (Proverb 14:24). We know we have sinned against you in many ways. We ask you to forgive us, heal us, purify us, and bless us (2 Chronicle 7:14) after we repent from those abominations: Spiritual adultery and idolatry like idol worship, pride, greed, sexual immorality, homosexuality, and abortions that kill our moral values, biblical principles, and many innocent people and babies (billions). Bring justice to this nation, Lord. Please do not forget us and save America, Israel, and other countries. We cry for your mercy! Revive us! Touch our hearts and open our spiritual eyes to see the significance of our eternity and to make our decision today to seek You and Your righteousness first by spending time with you, meditating and practicing your Word. Do Your will. Protect our soldiers who are fighting for our freedom. Grant wisdom to those who are in authority. Thank you! In Your most holy name, Jesus Christ we pray, Amen!"
May God bless America and you all!
In God we Love and Trust,
Esther Ng, servant of all for God's Kingdom