Greeting Precious Saints and Beloved Friends:
Amazing & Interesting Testimonies: A Wow Report!
1. Last Sunday after I woke up, I prayed to Lord Jesus for a while and then I asked for the direction of that day; He told me to help the married couples in a church in Pomona. So, I went. I found a seat in the middle of one row as I entered the big sanctuary (auditorium) with about 600 attendances. The worship was beautiful and as we started singing a song with the lyric "Jesus be the center of my life", the Lord spoke to me that "you are standing at the center of My sanctuary". So, I started counting my left, my right, my front and back. There are 5 sections; I was in the middle section; there are 14 rows and I was on # 8 row and in the middle of the row (#5 or #6 seats). I was really in the middle of all sections and the rows. A couple was also in the middle in front of me (due to even number, 4 seats are in the middle). I normally sit at the edge or the last seat of any row but it seems to be that the Lord led me to sit in the middle. I didn't know why initially and then during worship, I knew the answer. I was shocked and I was so full of joy and love! This is how God honors me. I felt special!
At the beginning of the service after singing, the pastor, Pastor Fred, wanted everyone to pray for married couples and their relationship in a small group. According to the voice of God in the morning, it came true of my mission call that day. I really helped the couple in front of me and other couples by getting together for prayer and ministry during and after the service. In fact, a brother called me back yesterday that his issue we prayed went well. Wow! What a divine appointment to help praying and fellowshiping with this special married couple and other Christians!
By the way, I first visited this church on May 5. In the early morning (7:30 am) of May 5, the Lord asked me to get up and search for a church for a new believer nearby his city; as I was praying, I found this great church; I knew the church's pastor many years ago and I remember he is a good preacher. He always preaches the sound doctrine of the Bible with discipleship and has the same vision like mine. He said the devil uses the world system (politics, education, religions, entertainment, business, and communication) to attack Christians or Christianity. The devil makes us focus on communication using Facebook, the social site, to consume our time when we actually need only Faithbook, the Bible. One thing is that I thought about Facebook before the pastor shared it. He also said that we need to Sin Less though we may never be sinless. He is full of words of wisdom. Love it! Yesterday, I had a nice conversation with this pastor over the phone; he remembered me how I contributed much to his church in the past and wants to produce a DVD for my testimony of my experiences last Sunday. I am glad to do so if it is God's will (timing). Thanks God for his kindness! If you want to know this church information, please contact me by your reply.
My first visit was the friendship day celebration with good worship, preaching, and foods also. God has blessed me that day with a special welcome to new visitors and me and the new believer who missed it. I like when the pastor said "If we are born once, we die twice; if we are born twice, we die once." Think about it. We need to be born twice or born again to live (John 3) Since that day, I have kept praying for this church. Then, on the bulletin for last Sunday, the church revealed to us that they have had the high attendance since May 5 (my first visit). Prayer always works and can be so powerful! Praise the Lord! I just noticed that last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday - another special day for me and those around me. Pentecost Sunday Great Video: (By World Impact ministries: Fire Fall)
2. Yesterday, Wednesday in the park, I ended up meeting two husbands who are separated from their wives (both have one little daughter with them) need spiritual guidance and prayers. They were encouraged and got delivered. This is another testimony that after last Sunday prayer, God sent me to two broken families for healing of their broken hearts and for giving them hope from Jesus.
3. Last Saturday after service, I prayed for a Christian sister (she found me from the website) over the phone; after prayer, she was excited and said she got delivered and saw a vision that she saw fire on her hand and she laid hand on people and prayed for healing. I believe it is a prophecy for her future ministry (a vision of what would happen to her).
4. My dentist friend, Pastor Lilian, has a daughter who just received full scholarship for 8 years MD program, PhD with paid living expenses! A lot of money, hundreds of thousands! Thanks God for His faithfulness to his servant and family and answering our prayers!
5. I flipped my Bible on Monday, 5/20/13. I saw before me: Proverb 14:12 "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.". The same verse I repeatedly received from God for a new believer. Then I looked at the book chapter and verse, Isaiah 14:12 came to my mind that NIV Bible misses the name of the fallen angel, Lucifer (hidden devil and the path of darkness), which is in NKJ version "“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground,You who weakened the nations!" Don't fall into the path of Satan to tempt or weaken you, the way of "looking good to men" or deception or destruction. 14:12 is really prophetic to me. I give you an example; the motivational messages of Joel Osteen look good to men but his belief and messages are NOT true Christianity; it may be only morality or a religion so people trust him may still go to hell. Watch out, new believers! Read item 1, 3rd paragraph above.
May you take heed of His Word so that you are so blessed!
In Christ alone,
Esther |