Greeting All! Happy Resurrection Day! Jesus is Alive! Believe it! Believing Jesus is the greatest blessing of all!
""Your dead shall live; Together with my dead body they shall arise. Awake and sing, you who dwell in dust; For your dew is like the dew of herbs, And the earth shall cast out the dead."- Isaiah 26:19 (NKJ) Very soon, we will be celebrating the miracle of Easter! The Son of God died for our sins so that we may have eternal life. Take time now to thank God for this amazing sacrifice and pray for help leading a positive, Christian life. Just look to Jesus. He can keep you on the right path! Look to the Cross We celebrate the joy of Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The shadow of the cross reminds us. Of our Lord's great sacrifice. Through Christ's death He saves us. By His life we are set free. The blood He shed on Calvary cross. Paid the sin debt for you and me. We celebrate a resurrected Savior for He is no longer dead. Death and the grave couldn't hold Him. He got up just as He said! Hallelujah, Christ is risen! And our sin debt has been paid. He showed Himself alive to many. And some saw the grave where He was laid. So look to the cross and be forgiven and be cleansed from all your sins. At the cross we'll find healing. For His blood makes us whole again." by Lenora McWhorter and or an unknown pastor. Forwarded by brother Rudy Jesus. Thanks! Please check out 1 Corinthians 15, Luke 7:11-17, 22, Acts 9:32-43, 20: 7-12, 23: 6, and John 11:25, 38-44 and John 20 for more true stories of the resurrection of the dead since the time of Jesus' ministry. Go to for reading. Use New King James version.
Praise Reports & Prayer Requests:
1. From American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ): "Your voice is being heard. Over a half million of you demanded the U.S. government stand up for Pastor Saeed, a U.S. citizen imprisoned in Iran for his faith.Now, Secretary of State John Kerry, our top diplomat spoke out, sending a bold message to Iran: Release Pastor Saeed immediately. This came as the U.S. delegation to the United Nations Human Rights Council also demanded Pastor Saeed's release. You spoke out, we took your message to the State Department and testified before Congress, and now our government is taking action." Please pray for God's will and timing for the release of this apostle, Pastor Saeed and for God to comfort his family!
2 From Liberty Counsel: "Yesterday (March 26), the High Court heard the oral argument in Hollingsworth v. Perry on Proposition 8, the California ballot initiative defining marriage as being reserved to being the union of one man and one woman. Proposition 8 passed by a wide majority of California voters in 2008. In court, a homosexual federal judge in San Francisco declared Proposition 8 unconstitutional, and later, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the judge’s ruling...This case has the greatest national implications of any case brought before the Supreme Court in many years. No one can predict how the Court will ultimately rule on the Prop 8 case, but based on the oral arguments that were presented yesterday (March 26), it is possible a majority of Justices could rule that the proponents of Prop 8 lack standing and simply dismiss the case. If that happens, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling would be dismissed, leaving perhaps only the Northern District of California court ruling. This would mean the ruling would apply only to the northern part of California.
Today (March 27), the Justices heard the oral argument on the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marriage as being “between one man and one woman.” It is a federal law which passed overwhelmingly in 1996 and was signed into law by then-President Bill Clinton. President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have deemed DOMA to be unconstitutional and have openly refused to defend the law. In fact, they used the power of the White House to try to intimidate the Court through briefs asking the Justices to rule in favor of same-sex marriage!" Please pray that no authority on earth can override the highest Law of God, i.e. forbidding gay marriages and acts (Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13)! Those who act on that and support that will be punished with physical death and or diseases and sicknesses by God sooner or later. So they need to repent very soon for God's grace and mercy are available to all now. Some sins do not lead to death or some do like this immoral sexual perversion (1 John 5:16,17).
Videos for America Revival: (Less than 1 hour)
(I sent this video to some of you. I like their simplicity of life and their commitment to God. I was talking with my neighbor two weeks ago during the Bible study that how I wish every company where people work would have such a great love for one another and pray for one another. Preach the gospel, Preach Jesus and eventually all become Christians. Holding prayer meeting in the mornings, etc. Forgive the mistakes the employees make (not pointing fingers or not blaming on each other) but instead, work together in unity to resolve issues. Let the employees think of their important positions of that company. If the company wins, they win too. In other words, all owners, managers, and employees work together to accomplish things for the success of the company (the same as the success of every employee) and are willing to give generously without selfishness. Support each other. God surely would bless this type of company. The Lord then led me to this part 3 of the video "Chinese Revival" testimonies to show you how many people in China who have such a strong feeling for God's Love or Christ's love. You will find all walks of lives of people, owners of the businesses, the educated, the poor, the orphans, etc. in China. All types of great testimonies! How they have happy marriages and relationship after they received Jesus and prayed. May God choose you today! The owners of the company said similarly 'They rather gives up all his wealth to exchange for God's love and they just pray to God for using them...the company has become a company of love and praises..')
(I sent to a few of you this video about the Canaan hymns by Xiao Min, a village girl and a very popular Christian artist and singer in China, who visited and said to a Chinese American Church according to a Christian brother in U.S. that she loves how blessed we are in America but she doesn't admire the faith in America. The Christians are much stronger in China. There is the anointing of God in this video. Every time I watched it, I cried or wept. Crying is not a sign of weakness as most people think. I would recommend you to watch it when you need strength.)
I released 5 am prayer song in Chinese last time; this is the interpretation of that song: "When dawn arrives in China at 5 am, you can hear people praying. May God bring revival of peace and people are rejoicing in the Great Love that unites all the peoples of the world. These prayers soar over the highest mountains and melt the ice off the coldest hearts. There is no more bondage. There are no more wars. Hearts receive blessings from above, and destinies are changed. It is going to be an excellent year for the harvest." A new 5 am prayer song can be found in , one of the Canaan Hymns by Xiao Min. What a beautiful voice this singer has! Great video with sunrise and sounds of the bell. Psalm 109 says that for God to defend us and for us to offend and resist our enemies, we need to be a man and woman of prayer! I like Pastor Eric Giorgio 's sharing from Community Christian Center in Covina during prayer time about resistance against the spiritual enemies and principality. James 4: 7 (NKJ) "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."
God always gives me deep revelations of the Word and power when I teach the Bible and preach the gospel. I feel that some of you should join us, Royal Crown of Life Ministries, on Saturdays at 10 am or Sundays at 10:30 am at Community Christian Center. Don't forget to read my newsletters; many told me that they normally ignored my newsletter until one day, they started reading it and found treasures there and learned so much. So, God has been leading and inspiring me to write. Please do not take them lightly. Please read our Praise Reports. Check out our Event Information.
May God richly bless you and your family and your business by His power of Resurrection! Happy Easter! I just pray for you all!
In Christ Jesus In Life and In Resurrection,
Esther |