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3/10/13: URGENT-Defunding ObamaCare Matters to You

Greeting Concerned Citizens of America:


I visited Community Christian Center for Sunday Worship Service this morning; I loved it and was touched with weeping by Pastor Ken's message of the Cross and his prayers (1 Corinthians 1:17,18, 1 Corinthians 2).  It is truly a good spiritual Bible based prayer church.  After I got home, I had a chance to read this following e-mail by Freedom Works (see bottom).  I just submit an e-mail message to the leaders in charge of CA as well as the White House per the direction of FreedomWorks.  Please call or e-mail to your senator, the White House, and all lawmakers to defund ObamaCare before too late.  Thanks!  We don't ever want Microchip on our hand or forehead (a part of the plan of ObamaCare) (Revelations 13:16-18) and my friend Angela also sent this video to me two weeks ago for your understanding of what is going on:  


Let me know if you have problem accessing their websites.  It doesn't take long for us to write an e-mail because you can use the same e-mail by "copy and paste" to the next official website.  The following is my e-mail message to Barbara Boxer as an example of how you may write to them:


"Barbara, how are you? This is Pastor Edna "Esther" Ng.  I am a pastor and a prophet of God.  God uses me to help leaders such as those in the campaign for the election 2012.  I would like you to support in defunding ObamaCare because ObamaCare is an abomination to God by allocating our tax-payer money to abortion and other evil things that promote immoral society.  I want God to bless you today and eternally; your support with God and us will gain you true wealth.  I am so blessed everyday by obeying God and His Bible. I love you and don't want you and America going down to drain like Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19.  God will judge each individual soon; remember one day we all will go back to dust and the judgment may start early or will execute after we die.  Take my Word of Wisdom carefully and go to my ministry website to understand more about God Jesus Christ at  May God bless America who supposes to be One Nation Under God.  Take care!


Love in Christ,
Pastor Esther Ng"


We must take action with our Faith in God.  "Faith without deed is dead" according to James 2:17.  Please pass this on...

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: Matt Kibbe - FreedomWorks <>
Subject: URGENT: Time to Defund ObamaCare
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2013 10:30:21 -0500 (CDT)



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Tell Your Senator to Defund ObamaCare NOW

This is urgent. FreedomWorks is key voting an amendment proposed by Senator Ted Cruz that defunds ObamaCare in Congress’s new spending plan. By getting this amendment passed, we can delay implementation of President Obama’s health care takeover.

Call your Senator and demand they support the amendment to defund ObamaCare.

It’s crucial that you call as soon as possible. The vote could take place as early as Monday, March 11, 2013!

Demand your Senator vote to defund ObamaCare!

The Senate has failed to pass a budget and outline how exactly the massive new entitlement program is going to be paid for. We must act now to stop this fiscal irresponsibility.

Read more about the defund ObamaCare amendment on the FreedomWorks blog.

Give Us Your Opinion on the New Fair Deal

Freedomworks needs your help. Our ambitious new series of legislation, The New Fair Deal, is currently being crafted by 8 congressmen. This legislative package will focus on four pillars: fight crony capitalism, tax fairly, stop overspending, and empower individuals. We
need your input to help craft the final bills.Give us your advice on the legislation. 

The New Fair Deal will bring America forward into a new age of individualism and economic liberty. Washington has turned our economy into a grudge match between the politically-connected and taxpayers. Together we can restore the principles of opportunity and limited government for the future.

Let us know how you feel about New Fair Deal. Your input will go a long way in shaping this important legislation.


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