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9/9/12: Important Warning to All Church Goers

Watch out!   Welcome to pass to all people attending churches!  or check out "google"

(A so called "pastor", Joel Osteen, whose net worth is 44 millions, what do you think?  Joel admitted it!   Be wise to discern who are the wolves in sheep's clothing.  Same as Rick Warren (a part of new age movement and one world religion movement) and those who are in mega church businesses, not in God's business (2 Timothy 4:3)!    It is truly the last days.  Be careful.  Don't be a fool and blindly follow and give to them.  Your hard earning money is giving to false teachers/preachers to preach the messages not of God and to live a luxury lifestyle.  God cannot bless the money you gives to them.  You condone sins by doing so. We are responsible after warning.  Be a good steward.   Find out every pastor and who they are first by prayer and by checking out what they teach and what kinds of member they have. Ask God for discernment.)  (Check out this link to see that many churches are under Joel Osteen!)


A copy three churches whom I corrected and rebuked years ago; obviously they didn't listen!  One interesting thing about people is that after you told them about the truth; they still want to follow and attend these false churches.  How awful!   So, the attendance are also responsible by supporting false preachers after they have known the truth.  I cannot just blame on the leaders, the followers are accoutable to God after all.


Dr Jim & Marguerite  Reeve

Faith Community Church


West Covina



Pastor Che & Sue Ahn

HRock Church





Pastor John & LeeAnn Johnson

Covina Assembly of God




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