Greeting Beloved Friends and Family: Welcome to forward this e-mail to everyone!
Praise Praise Praise Reports! I am excited!
1. Praise to our faithful Lord Jesus who loves to answer prayers from our genuine hearts in agreement. This is the result of actions besides prayers. From ACLJ at "After 1,062 days of illegal imprisonment for his faith, Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani is free! Under Shariah law in Iran, he was sentenced to death and told to deny his faith in Christ or be executed. He replied, "I cannot." For this, his execution order was issued and the world cried out in prayer. On Saturday, our prayers were answered and Pastor Youcef was set free. I am so grateful to everyone who prayed for Pastor Youcef and to everyone who participated in our Tweet for Youcef effort that reached more than 3.1 million people on Twitter every day. While we are celebrating this amazing victory, we will also be remembering the thousands of persecuted Christians throughout the world. More than 74% of those persecuted for their faith are Christians." Rejoicing time! Victory in Christ Jesus! Thanks to those who have prayed with me for Youcef. Check out how you can continuously stand with the persecuted Christians by your intercession and actions (September 22 & 23: 48 hours).
2. Today is my birthday and by hearing our brother Youcef released from the prison and be free today is my special joy, a true gift . I visited a Buddhist family this morning because the mother had a major car accident and her upper body was badly injured. By God's grace, she could walk and talk and eat. Her car was totally lost. After preaching the gospel, she and her son both receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. This is my best birthday gift from God to see two souls are saved today. One Christian sister who came to our church the first time last Saturday agreed to serve with me. She saw my church name in a Christian newspaper and called me last week. God uses her as a confirmation to build a bigger church together. A week before that, I shared that I need people to commit and God will bless them and now at least four people including this sister has made this commitment to serve with me. PTL!
3. I just received my mail and inside there is a beautiful red pocket enclosed with a big donation check for our church from a Christian sister I recently met in the internet. She didn't know my birthday and God made it special. My second best gift! She said all her exam went well and she knew that my prayer has made the difference. She also received a check unexpectedly from a lady whom she helped and other checks after she has donated to me. She has been blessed! Thanks God! She said I am a true pastor and loves to help our church!
4. For the last three days, I also received good gifts, cards, greeting e-mails, and prayers of blessing from my family, my team, and my friends for my birthday. My third best gift! Thanks so much! Very appreciated! I feel like I am 10 years younger. I am so happy today! I just pray for all who love me and pray for me.
5. We have two Christian churches and one Catholic church who want to join us for the Voter Registration. I know there are more to come. We still need volunteers for Voter Registration and other needs. We try to put two to three persons per shift. Be a revolutionary leader, not a passive follower, to help change the nation around. Be a part of the influential team with good spirit and strong faith. We the People...We Believe...We have the Right...True Democracy..Freedom...Free enterprise..Capitalism...the unalienable Right to speak and to stand..and to Vote! Vote! Vote for Values! This is from the Catholic Church who creates a commercial about how we should all stand up and take notice: (Great! Thanks to Minister Gail. "If all the Judeo-Christian organizations would get together and back an ad like this, then this election will get hot. Please pass it on.")
A. Please let me know if you need yard signs for your front yard to support David Miller for 32nd District. I will deliver it to you if you live around my city in West Covina. If not, you can directly go to David's office in Glendora to pick it up for yourselves. Go to David loves God and has courage to do something great that I have found from my own experience with him and from God and from my other friends. He has a genuine faith and don't forget to pray and vote for him. He loves to see America go back to the right direction such as abiding constitutional laws. Read Article 1 Section 8. The Congress has the power to change America. Start with one or a few cities at a time..
B. Join Greet and Meet with David Miller for Congress on September 15 in El Monte:
C. Religious Liberty Dinner Meeting on September 29: Check out (see my two important comments for the dinner meeting at the end of this link for your blessing). I lift up a prayer for you who support what is just and right in the eyes of our Creator: "Dear Jesus, God of the universe and all creations, please save our country America, one Nation under God! Bless those who bless You and our country and fight for our freedom through different means. You know them and please give them courage not timidity to do something about our election and our future and our next generation. In Jesus' name I pray Amen!"
The Truth about Prayers from U.S. Presidents, forwarded by Brother Chris, thanks!: "God Bless America and Shine Your Light on Her... In1952, President Truman established one day a year as a "National Day of Prayer". In1988, President Reagan designated the First Thursday in May of each year as the National Day of Prayer. In June 2007(then), Presidential Candidate Barack Obama declared that the USA "Was no longer a Christian nation." This year, President Obama canceled the 21st annual National Day of Prayer ceremony at the White House under the ruse of "not wanting to offend anyone" BUT.. on September 25, 2009 from 4 AM until 7 PM, a National Day of Prayer FOR THE MUSLIM RELIGION was held on Capitol Hill, beside the White House.There were over 50,000 Muslims in D.C. that day. HE PRAYS WITH THE MUSLIMS! I Guess it Doesn't Matter if "Christians" are offended by this event -We obviously don't count as "anyone" anymore. The direction this country is headed should strike fear in the heart of every Christian, especially knowing that the Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be converted, they should be annihilated. This is not a Rumor -Go to the website to confirm this info:" Now you know who you should vote for our next president. Be wise and save this nation!
Powerful Prayer for Our City, forwarded by my friend Bopha, thanks! "Break down every attempt of those seeking to raise revenue through unholy means. Take my city one where truth and liberty are dominant and favoritism has no place. Teach our leaders the "right" way to act. Give our city strong leaders with strong spiritual wisdom. Guard our leaders from making laws that lead people to sin. Help our leaders take care of business without compromising godly principles. Shine in the dark places of this city to give hope to the fearful. Restore a godly influence through godly leaders. Defeat the effort of the ungodly to remove Your influence. May our city not be an altar to a false god. Protect us in our homes from drive by violence. Give transients a safe and comfortable place to stay tonight. May our reputation be one that exemplifies righteousness. Protect the employees who work in hazardous condition. May we produce citizens who are grateful and patient. Bless the city workers who serve in bad conditions. May the rule of law be unprejudiced. Surround us with favor among other cities. Keep wicked thoughts at bay and holy desire ever before them. Repair damaged relationships with adjoining states. Turn back the tide of unrighteousness in us. Protect those who work in adverse conditions to serve us. Give us as much concern for obeying You as in following the law. Protect drivers from dangers from pot holes in the street. Turn back plans that reward wickedness and persecute the innocent. Make sin visible to those who can't see it. -->Unity in virtue, not sin" In Jesus' name we pray Amen!
Prayer of Peace, forwarded by Brother Jack. thanks! To Jesus Christ, Jehovah Shalom: "God of Peace, bring your peace to our violent world: Peace in the hearts of all men and women and peace among the nations of the earth. Turn to your way of love those whose hearts and minds are consumed with hatred. God of understanding, overwhelmed by the magnitude of this tragedy,we seek your light and guidance as we confront such terrible events. Grant that those whose lives were spared may live so that the lives lost may not have been lost in vain. Comfort and console us, strengthen us in hope, and give us the wisdom and courage to work tirelessly for a world where true peace and love reign among nations and in the hearts of all." COMPOSED BY POPE BENEDICT XVI APRIL 20,2008."
True Freedom and Peace come from our acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord, our Sincere Prayers, and our Courageous Actions! Be brave but humble men and women of God!
Watch this short 5 minute play "Awakening" by Chris Tomlin about the Full Armor of God to protect yourselves.
In Joy, Peace, Love of Yeshua,
Pastor Esther (Edna) Ng, God's friend and Your servant |