Greeting All Beloved Americans! Must read to the end for more testimonies!
I received two pictures attached from brother Mark yesterday; after I saw them, I was righteously angry and hurt and then I could not stop my tears and ended up crying and praying. How dare the people would kill an innocent good man! They are totally senseless and evil and we must pray. Mark wrote: "These are pictures you will not see in the Obama media. Our US Ambassador to Libya being dragged through the streets before being murdered. Here is our American Ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, diplomat, father, husband, and American Citizen, being dragged through the streets of Benghazi, and your President does NOTHING! . . . except go to Las Vegas for a fund raiser, plus two more today. To most Americans this is an act of war. To our president, it's just another act of office violence like Fort Hood. He and the Secy of State have already apologized and will soon send them another $6.3 Billion in foreign aid. This is as sad as it gets." I agree with him and others that Obama didn't take action quickly to save this Ambassador and express anger towards the muslims; instead, he had sympathy for the evil ones. How sad! How awkward! How can we trust him to be our president for another term? Get him out! Stop our foreign aids to those countries.
Honestly I asked you to pray with me last Friday and then I personally prayed to God with righteous anger to ask Him to put them to death for our justice if they don't repent and stop this evil act immediately after four American got killed. God did immediately! Our prayer has been heard! Thanks for your prayer! The situation was then calm down, not so violent and no more American was murdered. Please keep praying. It is working! There are still protests today.
(9:14: A total of 9 Protesters died after I had sent e-mail at around 1:00 pm last Friday 9/14. The article was "Posted Sep 14, 2012 3:33 PM CDT" )
(9:16: 1 Protester dead and many 18 injuries.)
(9/18: 1 Protester died after inhaling fumes from burning American flag.)
(From the news: "Commentary to stop the aids to Egypt and Libya. They knew about it and didn't do much of it." Also, per, "In Libya and Egypt, on the anniversary of September 11, four Americans were murdered and our embassies attacked. We send billions of dollars in taxpayer funds to these countries!")
(Watch the video from Paul Ryan 'On the Record,' Pt. 1: The US embassy attacks)
(From the news reporter, Kristen Power on 9/14: "I have defended the Obama administration against the complaints from the right that they have run an "apology tour" in the Middle East because I believe the US should admit when we make mistakes, such as the accidental burning of Korans. But what we shouldn't do is affirm the wrongheaded view that people should be protected from the free speech of others. Worse, our leaders shouldn't let our enemies know that when they kill our people and attack our embassies that the US Government will act like a battered wife making excuses for her psychotic husband. Wake up: we weren't attacked because of a movie made by an American. We were attacked because there are crazy religious fanatics who hate the United States. We didn't ask for it... Egypt's President Morsi reportedly asked Obama "to put an end to such behavior"—presumably freedom, constitutional rights and the like -- as it led to the making of, in his eyes, the offensive movie...Obama has no legal recourse but our president seems to be acquiescing to Morsi’s request by trying to silence the movie-maker through verbal intimidation, including a call from Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Dempsey who asked Pastor Terry Jones to withdraw his support for the film. Additionally, The Hollywood Reporter reveals that the FBI was dispatched to Hollywood to uncover the identity of the filmmaker. (Don't they have real terrorists to catch? I'll be looking for the administration's condemnations next for the selling of the DVD of “The Da Vinci Code,” the blockbuster American movie that claims Jesus had sex with Mary Magdalene." Have all Christians acted violently like them for this movie when it was in the theater? No!)
Religious Freedom: In America, the government has tried to control us (the Church) of what to preach and what not to preach behind the pulpit by calling it the separation of the Church and the State that is a violation of Religious freedom in U.S. Constitution, 1st Amendment. Don't be ignorant (Hosea 4:6)! They even mandate the church to accept the gays to be the church leaders. They redefine the separation of the Church and the State and the Constitution. This is the "good work" of the ACLU and other liberals. We must not let the government to take away what has established for the church, you and me when they blindly believe and call the good "illegal". I wrote to some recipients that Queen Esther saved so many Jews because she was bold and was obedient to the Lord with fasting and praying and acting..Esther 4:12 "...I will go to the king even it is against the Law." The Government may take away your tax exemption or non-profit organization status 501c3 by your doing what is right courageously. Fear Not! God will bless you even more. I know it is a prophecy! Be His disciple as in Book of Acts!
Go to David Miller to understand what is constitutional and what is unconstitutional. You may call him anytime at (626)692-6007 or check out his website All Christians must act now before too late. Join his special event with the author of the book "For Greater Glory", Ruben Quezada, to understand how the Catholics fought for their religious liberty. He was a democrat but he supports David Miller! We must send David to Congress who will stand for our principles. IF NOT THEN WHO? IF NOT NOW THEN WHEN? We need you; all people who receive my e-mail to stand up for what is right!!! Go to to reserve your ticket now. RESERVATION - DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 22, 2012 We need to hear Author Ruben Quezada who will take you on his journey of discovering how quickly people can lose Religious Liberty, and How close we are in America from losing ours. We must act by supporting him and other constitutional candidates in your district!
Amazing Praise Reports - Miracles!
I just received another prayer request being answered this morning. My Christian friends just received the approval of the loan modification for their beautiful home. Last Saturday during the service, my Christian brother prayed for our offering to the Lord. I smelled so good sweet aroma like berry fruit or citrus during his prayer. I asked him if he was chewing gum or candy; he opened his mouth and showed me nothing inside and said "no". We experienced a similar testimony during our prayer with a group of ministers on New Year Eve 2012 from 9 pm to 2 am. During my sharing yesterday with one Christian sister, God revealed to me that it is in the Bible or Philippians 4:18,19 "...the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." I was so comforted and excited! Then, because I was overworked last Friday so my body was kind of tired and I had a light headache. The headache was completed gone and my body was strengthened during prayer in the same service!!! Later, when I prayed for the Christian brother, he saw a vision of a ring of fire surrounding him. I told him it means protection of the Lord from the enemy. Amen! God is good! You will receive your miracle too if you would join us and let me pray for you. God wants to bless you through me or our ministry! He is Jehovah Shammah and He is with us! See info. at the end! May God bless you the way He blesses me!
In God of Provision, My Provider (Jehovah Jireh) & My Supplier (El Shaddai),
Pastor Esther (Edna) Ng, God's friend and Your servant |