Greeting Beloved Saints and Friends: Important prophecy for All especially pastors and candidates. Must read to the end!
This morning, the Lord speaks to me again the same words to David Miller for Congress before; it is about good relationship with God (first) and then people for each individual to be saved and to have victory in life. It is not about winning the election, November 6; it is about winning the heart of God first. If you win God's heart by receiving His begotten Son, Jesus Christ and doing His will, God will guide you every path and position in your life and then you also have eternal life (Matthew 7:21, John 4:34-38). This is true victory and blessing in life whether you are a cleaning maid or a chief executive officer. The 10 commandments of God and the two greatest commandments of Jesus Christ are perfectly holy and they are the requirements of how we should handle our relationship with God and people with mercy and justice. It is summarized as Love the Lord with all your heart and love your neighbors as yourselves (Exodus 20:1-17, Matthew 22:37-40). I would like you to get a Bible and read and meditate these verses for your good. I just pray for you!
God, Faith of Jesus Christ, Christians and Politicians need to connect together in the last days. This election is about Repentance through the gospel message of Jesus Christ for both Democrat as well as Republican Party, other political parties, and overally the whole nation America. I said that to David Miller for Congress also. The Lord did not tell me who will be the winner, Obama or Romney for President. They both have their strengths and their weaknesses. Obama is far worse than Romney due to his belief and his support of gay marriage, abortion, etc. A leader represents the majority of people under him or her. In other words, the leader reflects the interests of the majority of people and that is how he or she wins by majority of votes. I am not surprised that Obama and other democrat politicians or elected candidates will win again based on a few number of people attending the prayer meeting, recent incident of a refusal of having a prayer meeting in the Republican Center, and the wrong belief of many democrats that says we should give freedom of choice to anything whether it is good or evil. (Please pray for this person who refused God's request of prayer meeting. This morning, God uses me to prophesy to her powerfully and amazingly. She needs salvation and to be born-again. She needs to be in a right relationship with God and people too.) God grants the desire of a majority of American people; so a leader of their desire will win as in 1 Samuel 8-10 that God allowed Saul to be the king of Israel instead of God the Father with the prophet Samuel.
To Candidates: God also did not tell me who will be the winner for the local district candidates. God told me one candidate will win through the peace He gave me but this candidate needs to respond to Him and walk in His way continuously for his final victory. God is looking at hearts. He knows every heart and motive and he knows if he or she is ready for this position or not. All elected candidates: Seek the Lord, Pray and Do your part with God's guidance, peace and rest. Don't be anxious (Philippians 4:6). God is in control. It is about success in your eternal life, not about success in this world or this election! Amen!
To Churches/Pastors: Pay attention. This is a warning. God confirmed this message by Pastor Lilian Ong after our prayer for America yesterday that you all need to be humble and learn from prophetic ministers of faith and from the truth of different ordained churches. We must put together all the laws of God and righteous things from different Christian churches and form a so called Perfect Apostolic Church in the last days. We must get back to the kind of church God desires in the book of Acts. You may need to suffer. Are you willing? If you are called for a five fold office, you need to be baptized and filled by the Holy Spirit for you to serve God effectively with love, faith, power, and joy. Ask the Lord humbly to search your heart.
If you are not led by the Holy Spirit for your ministry, you will fail and be like the high priests, pharisees, and teachers of law in the Bible, full of yeast of pharisees and hypocrisy, wrong and prideful heart and head knowledge without rhema or revelations and power of God (Read 1 Corinthians 2). Please confirm your calling now. Are you sure God has ordained and anointed you to be His minister or pastor? Having a theology degree may not qualify you. A church is not a worldly organization or company. It is a ministry of the Word and the Holy Spirit. It is totally different or even opposite from the operation of a company. You may end up in hell with eternal judgment like unbelievers if you go with your own ways in ministry. Be fearful. Be careful what you are doing. God will judge soon, at the time you don't even know. Can be today or tomorrow. There is only two masters- Money or God. If you serve God due to money and fame by pleasing men, please get out your phony ministry or repent now.
To All: Finally God told me this morning to share that people have a wrong image of God that He is always loving, compassionate, slow to anger, merciful and gracious. This is true but if you read the Old and New Testaments, God is also a God of justice, discipline, and judgment. Read Deuteronomy 28:15-end, Joel 1,2 and Acts 5. This Scriptures share the judgment and punishment of God before and after Jesus' resurrection. So, God put the rebellious people to death and afflicted them with boils, cancers, and other sicknesses (Acts 5:5,10, Deuteronomy 28:27). I have seen them in my life. Recently, one trustee of a church had tumor on her throat and went through an operation and could not talk. Before that, she came against me and another pastor in a rude manner. She hurt me so much. However, I prayed for God's mercy on her after I had found this out.
So, may God give us all "the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord" today for our blessing (Isaiah 11:2b). Who is the Wise? Take heart! May God richly bless you with this message of Truth and Love!
In Pure Faith with Deeds in Christ Jesus,
Pastor/Prophetess Edna "Esther" Ng