Greeting All Beloved: Please Read from the beginning to the end for your blessing! It is free! God leads me to write every ministry e-mail.
Miracle Reports by Prayers of Faith alone: Our Lord Jesus is great and mighty! This report is only for God's glory!
1. One member of my church said her business is doing so well after I prayed for her; all the businesses of her coworkers are slow except her. Also, she lost an earring. I said she will get something better. With a week, she said she saved $600 of a nice jewelry, the cross pendant. She is making good income because of my prayers. Her sister came also and told her that she could sleep so well. She and another member told me that they cannot wait to meet with us in either Saturday or weekdays.
2. My laptop's power cord didn't work or had no power connection for whatever reason (only 1 1/2 years old). So, I prayed by faith (God hears prayers of righteous people) and it works so well then even now. I looked for things I lost. I prayed and always found them quickly.
3. I have a problem with the cut and paste feature of my laptop earlier. The paste content would go to the top of this e-mail. By using my computer mouse or external mouse, it has the same problem. After I prayed, God showed me to use "Control V". James 1:3 says that whoever lacks wisdom, ask God. So pray!
4. My car had a click click sound near the windshield of my car when I started my car to the prayer meeting last night. I was thinking if I should drive my car or not. I prayed; it disappeared. I still will go to my mechanic to check it out tomorrow thus. During the prayer meeting for America, I felt strong and was touched by God and the Lord is truly with us. I felt the Lord has answered all our prayers (from spiritual to physical). We prayed for the repentance of America and God's appointed leaders for this election. The Lord especially used Dr. & Pastor Ong together to deliver a Christian brother completely until around 11:00 pm. He felt peaceful and light and full of joy afterward. Praise the Lord for doing great things together.
For this 21st Century, I like to see the heart of all politicians, elected candidates, and elected officials for 2012 from any political party to apply than to talk of their values. Action is louder than talking. Therefore, I feel that we need an ideal political party called "Reformed Republican Party"; it is more like the Tea Party (the name "Tea Party" is not strong or not well-defined to me). We must put politics and faith back together to save and bless this nation. I like this new name better because we want to maintain some of the good values that the Republican Party has:
The 10 Principles and Values of the Reformed Republican Party or "Jesus' Victory Party" that are from Father in heaven and our founding fathers of America:
1. Yield God the Father (Jesus Christ), Our Creator to be the Ruler and the Judge of this party and our nation due the fall of men (Genesis 1:1, 28, 2:7, 3). Let God rule in our heart.
2. Acknowledge Jesus' name and Pray in Jesus' name or at least Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit only (Matthew 10:32, Luke 12:8). No compromising. Jesus' name is to be in high honor (Acts 19:17)
3. Conform to the Biblical Principles and Values such as Love our God with all our heart and Love one another (the First and Second Greatest Commandments of Jesus Christ)- Matthew 22:37-40. Love your enemy but display public or social justice (Matthew 5:43-47). Forgiveness doesn't mean that we ignore justice.
4. Abide the 10 Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17, Deuteronomy 5:1-22)
5. Abide the U.S Constitution.
6. Attend a monthly or weekly worship and prayer meeting and Bible studies (Matthew 18:19,20, 6:33, 1 Thessalonian 5:17). Humble before God (James 4:6,10). For example, a city mayor invited me to a prayer meeting every first Thursday of the month in the city hall. May God bless this mayor to see what is significant to our city or our nation!!! Last night, our prayer for America and this election was so good and I felt the oneness and agreement in prayer as in Miracle Report #4 above.
7. Not Tolerate work of evils. God vs. Satan (devils). Good vs. Evil. No tolerance. Either the first one or the second other (out of the party if not conforming). Preach the good news or saving grace of Jesus Christ for the repentance of sinners (1 Corinthians 9:16,17, Mark 16:15, Matthew 3:2). David Miller's my favorite quote: "All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing". Don't be silent!
8. Change Dirty Politics to Clean Politics (Read the whole Bible especially Proverb 3:7).
9. Display and apply Justice and Mercy (God's Love, not men's love) appropriately from God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit (Leviticus 19:15). He knows all things and all hearts.
10. Get rid of or kill all Abominations/Sins of this nation: Abortion, Homosexuality (Gay Marriage), Dictatorship, Corruptions (Greed and Bribery), Idolatry, etc. Abomination that causes desolation (Matthew 24:15, Revelations 17:5)
Jesus commands us: "Be holy for I am holy", "I am the LORD who makes you holy", and "Be perfect for your heavenly Father is perfect." (1 Peter 1:16, Exodus 31:13, Matthew 5:48). We need the reformation of the Church first. Be the doer of the above Biblical Principles and Values, Laws of God that is above the laws of this land! Keep All Laws. You will be wise (Matthew 7:24-27). God's Law is not hard to fulfill if you spend time with God and ask His Holy Spirit to help you by praying. All you need is a humble heart. Making a right choice everyday to please God.
You and the Americans shall be blessed to initiate and join this Reformed Republican Party. Some of you are very busy on your own and forget to first seek His Kingdom, His Righteousness, and His Face to get directions, guidance, peace, and wisdom. We have miracles every week and God is truly with us. He is faithful to those faithful. God is among those who love, obey, and fear Him.
Good Examples, Videos & Words from the True Leaders and Godly People of America:
(I sent this to a group of recipients three days ago. A short two minute video about our U.S. capital, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, etc. All are referred to One Nation under God. Now you know whom you should vote for our next President. Beautiful pictures of Washington D.C.)
(10 Commandments for Christians in this election: Thou shalt vote...Thou shalt believe Jesus still King... I say, "Thou shalt vote for the true ruler, Jesus as King (President of U.S.)". Forwarded by Pastor Arsenio Eniego of Faith, Hope, Love Assembly in Sun Valley. Thanks Pastor!) or ting-for-romney.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=clnewslet ter&utm_content=CL+Daily+20121012b (also this link by Pastor Arsenio)
(From Pastor Jim Garlow who is the leader of Pulpit Freedom Sunday: His endorsement is Jesus but he is going to vote for Romney. Also, American Family Association and other Christian organizations and churches supports Romney. I told people that the country America is not a church which has to appoint and ordain Christian godly leaders to serve. We wish that Christians are our national leaders. If not, we must vote for the ones who has better values. Amen!)
(I sent this video from the Catholic Church-a short commercial video before. I like to remind you this again. Thanks to Minister Gail Zauss of Simchat Yeshua Church and also Joe Gardner of 48th Assembly to forward it to me! Great!)
Moral and Spiritual Issues in 2012 Election
(Attached this e-mail is a 4 page Biblical Comparison between Liberal and Conservative Views and Values by Wayne Grudem who has college degrees from 3 Ivy league Universities including Harvard. Please print them out and share with others. Forwarded by Lois Barta, the chairperson of Republican Women Federated. Thanks Lois!)
In Jehovah Shalom, Yeshua, Prince of Peace,
Pastor/Prophetess Edna "Esther" Ng, your servant