Greeting All Americans and Voters for November 6 election: Please use this e-mail as your guideline to vote. Thanks!
Pastors and leaders: Please give your members a copy of this e-mail and or guide your congregation to vote biblically on Sunday.
(Voter Guide & Score Card by American Family Association. I personally trust this AFA Traditional Family Organization very much!)
Please Vote for Elected Republican Candidates including:
President: Mitt Romney ( & Vice President: Paul Ryan. We need Romney and Ryan to rescue our moral and economic crisis!
U.S. Senate: Elizabeth Emken ( Great comments about Elizabeth Emken from other Republicans.
U.S. Representative (Congress, 32nd District): David Miller ( San Gabriel Tribute and Christian Examiner and more endorsed David Miller!
U.S. Representative (Congress, 27th District): Jack Orswell ( Jack and the following candidates: A very sincere and experienced great people!
CA State 48th District Assembly: Joe Gardner (
CA State 52 District Assembly: Kenny Coble (
CA State 41st District Assembly: Donna Lowe (
CA State Senate, 25th District: Gilbert Gonzales (
U.S. Representative (Congress, 8th District): Paul Cook ( I never personally met Paul but others told me good things about him.
P.S. If you don't know whom you should vote, I strongly recommend you to vote for Republican Candidates to save America. It is a critical election. Every vote counts!
CA Ballot Propositions, Measures, and Others:
1. See attached file "Ballot Propositions Review" by Christian Citizenship Council. The information is copied from the e-mail by Anne Wigdahl Subia, www. Thanks to both Christian Citizenship Council and Pastor Rapid Response Team. I believe this is a good one to use for voting because SGV Republican Women Federated also came up with exactly same answers for all propositions.
Prop 30, 31, 34, 36, 38, 39 - Oppose or No!
Prop 32, 33, 35, 37, 40 - Support or Yes!
Note: I have done my own reading and research before I made these choices. For example, Prop 37 will cause higher grocery bills and mislabeling and unnecessary lawsuits. Yes on 37 (after more research).
2. County District Attorney: Jackie Lacey.
3. Measure B & J - Yes. I have no comment on other measures.
A Word from Great Christian Leaders:
A statement was made by former Pastor & Evangelist Dr. Billy Graham (When he was younger, he prayed and gave spiritual guidance to different U. S. Presidents):
“The legacy we leave behind for our children, grandchildren, and this great nation is crucial. As I approach my 94th birthday, I realize this could be my last.I believe it is vitally important that we cast our ballots for candidates who base their decisions on biblical principles and support the nation of Israel. I urge you to vote for those who protect the sanctity of life and support the biblical definition of marriage between a man and a woman. Vote for biblical values this November 6th, and pray with me that America will remain one nation under God.”-- Billy Graham
7 Biblical Views for Voting By Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline church, who organized the Pulpit Freedom Sunday on October 7, 2012.
"In the interest of full disclosure, I believe the Scriptures are profoundly clear regarding these (and other related) themes:
1. The sanctity of life,
2. The sacredness of (traditional, biblical, natural) marriage,
3. The evil of stealing from future generations by excessive national debt,
4. The importance of recognizing that our rights come from God (“by their Creator” as stated in The Declaration of Independence), including the 1st Amendment right to practice our faith in all of life,
5. The appropriateness of “constitutionalism,” that is, not violating understood and biblically valid laws,
6. The understanding that the “image of God” on every human results in creativity, followed by productivity and the potential of appropriate prosperity (Succinctly stated, free enterprise [appropriately defined within the framework of Judeo-Christian values] is inherently biblical. Socialism or Marxism is inherently anti-biblical), and
7. The support of Israel.
Please pray for America! Please join with Pastor Jaren Lapasaran from Heights Worship Center International Ministries for 24 hours Worship and prayer and fasting from 7:00 pm Friday today to 7:00 pm Saturday (11/2-11/3). The address is 2531 Vallecito Drive, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745. Contact no. (626) 893-9963. May God bless America and save us from more trouble!
In Agape Love and Mercy of Jesus Christ,
Pastor/Prophetess Edna "Esther" Ng, your servant and God's friend