Greeting ALL: Please forward this important additions to my last email ASAP to everyone in your list. Please also call anyone who received my last e-mail or answers to let them know the changes by phone. Thanks so much!
1. Vote YES on Proposition 37. Sorry! Please revise our original position of opposition "No" from my last e-mail. (Gail, my Christian friend and I did more research and found more details about Proposition 37 that were hidden. Genetically Engineered or Modified foods and crops are harmful to our health so we need clear labels on any products that are Genetically Modified (GM). Vote Yes to 37! The alcohols and dairy products like cow milk do not have labels because they are under other laws to protect the consumers. Check out the above two links: "Unmasking the No on Prop 37 Lies and Dirty Tricks". Monsanto and other farm bureau Federation as well as Food & Drug Administration (FDA) have been deceiving us. Monsanto makes big income for GM seeds/crops that are against our biblical principles. Other 50 countries have already had labels for GM foods. When I was reading the big Voter Information guide again; I found another section "Text of Proposed Laws" for Prop 37; please read p.110-113. During my reading, I fell asleep and I had a dream of something came out from that book to attack my heart or an heartache. I know the Lord talked to me that Proposition 37 is good for us. I will share more about the new discovery about this issue next time. Thanks God for the warning.)
2. I believe the recent Sandy Hurricane before the election is a warning sign to all voters or all America that New York City legalized gay marriages. We must repent and vote what is right and biblical tomorrow! Read Leviticus 18:22. I will share with you what I saw in a vision "A pool of blood" on last Thursday early morning before our 1st Thursday of the month prayer meeting outside the Walnut City Hall with the city mayor, Mary Su, a woman of faith and wisdom, and a group of prayer intercessors and pastors. What it means to America!
3. A Must Read attached Word File "The Presidential Election" by Great minister, Rick Joyner whom I trust very much from the beginning along with a message from Lou Engle. A Must Read e-mail was forwarded by Aurupee, my dear Christian sister last night, before the Election Tomorrow! Great timing! I am so happy that I found that my position and belief are the same as Pastor Rick Joyner because I believe we have the same Spirit of Truth from God! I strongly recommend my two acquaintances who are supporters of Ron Paul to read this message very carefully and finally understand what I mean in my messages to them before. I hope and pray that they are totally convinced!
4. Paul Cook, for U.S. Congress, 8th District came out to be 2nd place according to American Family Association's Score Card: and check out the AFA website They both are Republicans. Please decide whom you want to vote.
5. Pastor Response Team website ( is a part of Jim Garlow's ministry. Thanks to Pastor Jim Garlow for his valuable information.
6. An e-mail recipient asked me a good question: Can you explain how believing in "the sanctity of life" and favoring the death penalty is not hypocritical?
My answer: Sanctity of life is about pro-life or preserving an innocent life basically. We don't want to murder anyone including the fetus (life begins at conception according to the Bible like Psalm 139). The death penalty is for social or public justice. It is the severe punishment the criminal deserved for murdering a person without a good reason or clause (i.e. like killing another soldier in the war, or killing someone to defend yourself). Galatians 6:7 "A man reaps what he sows." It is acceptable by God. Let's say a Christian kills someone due to anger or hatred, he or she still needs to go to jail or to be executed by earthly punishment though he or she is saved by grace in Jesus Christ. Yet, this person still has eternal life after he or she did wrong with confession and repentance but he or she cannot escape the earthly punishment like other evil doers. God is just and fair. The sanctity of life is for the innocent not for the evil people or criminals.