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11/12/12: ADD 2: My Heartfelt Feedback of Election 2012

Greeting All Americans:  Please pass this to your family and friends! Thanks!


Important Invitation:  Worship & Prayer Gathering for America especially California & Reformation of Political Parties every Tuesday at 7:00 pm (tomorrow evening (11/13/12, the first meeting) at Dr. Lilian Ong's Dental Facility:

820 W. Merced Avenue, West Covina, CA  91790 (her office is near Glendora, across from Walgreen). 

Map link: 


Comments for the Bible Codes:

Someone may have found that T.Chase is not a Christian based on his website.   I checked out his website after a good brother/minister, Dan, warned me about T. Chase.  Thanks to Dan!  Yet, I do not agree with T.Chase's supports of cults, psychic, astrology, Horoscope, Nostradamus, and New Age, etc. besides the Bible. What I found is that he loves to learn everything, the Bible, other cults and put everything together like Chop Suey chinese dish or a menu with varieties/different dishes for everyone.  He is like a scholar or an educator for all knowledge.  One thing is that he did interpret the Bible Code correctly!  He just followed the steps or guideline or rules to trace the Code (i.e. Following the rules of the game to win by having the best version of the Bible, King James and the best teacher or expert for the Bible Code).  This is only his knowledge or interpretation of the Bible Code I acceptNo others!  Similarly, people literally knows the Bible well doesn't make them Christians, religious, or spiritual people.  Our God, the Creator of all things, is able to use anything or any person, even a child (do you know the idea of the the Hong Kong's Noah's Ark replica for the new theme park comes from an eight years old girl? I will share that next time.) or a donkey:


Numbers 22:21-31: "..But God was very angry when he (Balaam) went, and the angel of the LORD stood in the road to oppose him...When the donkey saw the angel of the LORD standing in the road with a drawn sword in his hand, she turned off the road into a field; Balaam beat her to get her back on the road. When the donkey saw the angel of the LORD, she pressed close to the wall, crushing Balaam’s foot against it. So he beat her again....Then the LORD opened the donkey’s mouth, and she said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?”....The donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your own donkey, which you have always ridden, to this day? Have I been in the habit of doing this to you?” “No,” he (Balaam) said. Then the Lord opened Balaam’s eyes, and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the road with his sword drawn. So he bowed low and fell face down". . Please pray attention to my next sharing of the cat (my Christian sister's real incident last Wednesday) and the pigs!  How we need to be careful of animals!


Attention: Again! I do not suggest anyone to learn anything else from T.Chase other than the interpretation of the Bible Code.  Pray for Chase's salvation as I did.  He can be useful for God's Kingdom.  The main purpose I shared his videos is to warn you about the possible coming CA earthquake that has been reported by different news and other Christian ministers.  However, God may delay it due to our prayers.  I believe it also.  Be prepared as Angela, a Christian sister, shared in her message that "..the church leaders have compromised so much for fear of losing their current status 501c3, real estate property tax exempt status, persecution, and threats from the members within.. if the Church prays and votes enough so the battle will win for His will, Romney. God never makes mistakes, it's the people have gone apostate, and voted accordingly.  Not enough Christian people voted for Romney, now a 4-year reign of dictatorship begins soon..."


"I'd like to caution you this in love: get yourself and the folks you know to prepare for emergency disasters (Chris, another Christian sent me the emergency kit info. for emergency the same date)... Later their web site will post that message online under Medialog section.  You can look for it later.  If Obama forces Israel to concede its land, Israel will be likely to attack Iran, and that's the beginning of the Third World War.  Or any other likely disasters will occur due to  Illuminati's One World Order behind its technologies such as HARRP that can trigger earthquake easily. Did you know that this Sunday (11/4) until today (11/7) that California and the northeast corner of the US has had a vibration degree at 7.8??  Check .  We also prayed for it but we don't know if our repentance has appeased God's saddened heart or not for now. God is still sitting on His throne, and He doesn't slumber, never!!!  Hallelujah!"  Amen!  Our security should be in His unshakable Kingdom in Christ Jesus!  Thanks Angela!


The Voting Frauds of Obama's supporters:  What a shame!  May God judge! 

1. Attorney Exposes Dem Fraud To Get Obama Elected (Forwarded by Minister Sue, thanks Sue!) (Part 1) (Part 2)

(Black female attorney, Anita Moncrief, who worked for ACORN speaking in Florida. This is dynamite. Talk about a scam and a fraud perpetrated on the American people. The Main Stream Media would never give this any coverage. Huge fraud to get Obama elected president. There are two back to back videos.)


2. Caught on Camera by Project Veritas: On the election day, November 6, MULTIPLE voting locations we caught poll supervisors ON CAMERA telling people not to vote for Romney!...Some even openly mocked his Mormon beliefs.  And take a look at this EXCLUSIVE PHOTO from INSIDE from one polling: place:


"Notice anything strange?  What is a uniformed law enforcement officer doing standing next to a large color photograph of President Obama? Not enforcing the law, that's what. There can be no doubt that election laws are being broken all over the country today. As promised, brave Project Veritas investigators are gathering evidence of that voter fraud and intimidation RIGHT NOW."


3. Many provisional voters for the Democratic party made similar or same excuses like the new move of their home, their polling places too far from where they are (most excuses of all), and getting lost and not finding their polling places.  What they don't know is that the provisional votes may not be counted!  I am just bothered by their many lies!


4. I received two separated messages about Cindy Jacobs calling for Reformation Day in America on October 31 for prayers and "Will your candidates work for Reform", the Legal Reform by Sick of Lawsuits on November 2 after I had sent "Reformed Republican Party on October 25.   It is not a coincidence but a divine calling!


5. If you want to know more about Jackie Lacey for District Attorney, you can go to her website:


We need more prayers than ever after the election.  I want to ask you all: Do you want blessings and protection?   Then, go humble yourselves and worship and pray to our God Almighty, Jesus Christ (Isaiah 9:6) at His appointed dates and times!   May God enrich and protect you life!



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