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11/17/12: God uses Children / Pray for America & Israel!

Greeting Precious Saints, Intercessors, and All Beloved People:


God Uses little children for His glory and for this Noah's Time:  &

(Full Scale Noah's Ark Replica for the Theme Park in Hong Kong with music & CBN News Report. The idea comes from an eight little girl who drew a picture. Jesus says God loves little children because they are simple and humble. God would bless childlike men and women (Matthew 18:3,4).  So, you don't look at how many people believe in Jesus or you or how big is the church. If a large church is spiritually dead and or prideful, all or some members under that church will eventually be destroyed.  So, it is just you and God alone that matters. Noah, a righteous man, one and only one, listened to God and built an ark obediently without a question and God saved his whole family, 8 members total from the flood (Genesis 6,7).  Interestingly, the word "Boat" in Chinese character contains eight people (mouths). God is in Chinese language!  Hurricane Sandy in the East Coast humbles everyone; it destroyed 40 lives or more, affected 8.2 million people without power, caused $20 billion in property damage and $10 billion to $30 billion in lost business, and damaged more than 100 houses due to fire (Refer to  It is the time for all to wake up, re-evaluating our lives, and or repent from committing and supporting gay marriages, abortions, and other sins.  God may save a city for the sake of 10 righteous men in that city (Genesis 18:16-23).  It is still up to Him.  So, be prayerful for prayerlessness is a sin itself.  God is like the potter and we are like the clay; He will do what He wants after all (Romans 9:18-23)).


Three Must Watch Videos of how God healed, saved, and used three little children: 

(4 minutes video of a 5 1/2 years old boy was healed and then used by God in front of the crowd and he will make you laugh so hard! Amazing!)

(8 minutes video of a 5 years old little boy's testimony.)

(3 minutes video of a boy in Africa, who was raised from the dead after being dead for 24 hours. I trust that CBN (700 club) is from God. Go to


A Prophetic Look at Post-Election America: 

(Forwarded by Pastor Arsenio and a Republican sister, Marlene.  Thanks to you both!  This link shares what may happen to America economically, politically, and spiritually. Written by R. Loren Sandford who is the founder and senior pastor of New Song Fellowship in Denver. A portion of his message is "My sense is that He (God) honored the will of the people, much as He did when the Israelites asked for a king and, under protest, God granted one. It wasn't what God would have chosen, but God did appoint the man (Obama). He went not with His own heart, but with the will of the people. Thus it was on Nov. 6....God told me that if believers would pray...In light of this, we must prepare to receive an unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the midst of gathering darkness and set our hearts to function as the church did in Acts 2 relationally, spiritually and materially...We in the church must be ready to meet escalating spiritual and emotional needs. We must grow up and live as true disciples...Pay close attention to covenant relationships in the days to come and guard them zealously.  Acts 2, in which the saints enjoyed supernatural unity and sold their possessions and property to share with others as any had need, should be required reading for meditation in the days to come. Get connected relationally and then give sacrificially for the sake of love."  I wrote a similar message to you all in one of my e-mails; do you remember?)


Israel is At War and Under Attack:  Please urgently pray for the safety of all civilians and Israel's troops! i-invasion/?intcmp=trending(11/16/12

(11/16/12: Rockets land in field outside Jerusalem as war looms over Gaza. Violence escalates along Israel's border with Gaza; Hamas militants (terrorists) fired dozens of rocket at Israel.) part&utm_medium=united&utm_campaign=rss_3_2

(11/16/12: Iran is ready to fire against Jerusalem.) art&utm_medium=united&utm_campaign=rss_3_2

(11/17/12: Israel retaliated.)


Prayers for All including Your Personal Requests:

Come and Pray with us on Tuesday night at 7:00 pm in 820 W. Merced Ave., West Covina, CA 91790.  It is truly a divine appointment.  God has blessed Dr. Ong for offering her office and myself with miracles - I will share them next time.


In Glory of Jesus Christ,


Pastor/Prophetess Edna "Esther" Ng,  your servant and God's friend



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