Greeting All Beloved Brethren and Friends: Please read the entire important message for your Abundant Blessing of Today and Forever! I just pray for you all! Please pass it to your family members and friends for their heavenly and eternal blessings also.
The Lord showed me to form cell groups everywhere and to go and ask everyone to go to the early morning prayer meetings at the end of 2012 and at the beginning of this year 2013. I have been joining with Community Christian Center church in Covina for the morning prayers for about two weeks and I found such a greater Love, Power and Joy more than before. The power of God is so amazing that I didn't sleep much but I can function efficiently throughout the days and nights. I have been praying fervently by myself for America, nations, and people I know at home for a few hours daily before I finally joined this church for prayer in February 2013.
Good Book to read: The book: The Walk of the Spirit & The Walk of Power was referred by bro. Dan (Thanks bro.) and it can be found in the link: This is another great resource for you to understand about the power of God through spiritual prayers for your benefits. Dr. Yonggi Cho has four videos in Youtube I sent to you before about this subject as well. check my newsletters in the web.
Free to visit my ministry website: for other old ministry newsletters in 2013 in case you haven't read them. These newsletters include prophecies with confirmations and praise reports for your encouragement and edification. I am still updating this website to full function so that it can bless as many people as possible all over the world. I will add more old ministry newsletters (2011, 2012, etc.) and other good resources. Thanks for praying for me and my ministry so that everything I do can accomplish the Will of God only and as a result, His name is to be glorified.
This is my special prayer for you all: May God so richly bless you so that you cannot cease praising and thanking Jesus who is the Way, the Life, and the Truth (John 14:6)! He is the beginning and the end and the first and the last. Be wise and fix your eyes and your heart on things that are eternal and permanent and things that you may not see with your naked eyes! Simply trust and obey with faith in God. Love you all!
In Full Blessing of Christ Jesus ,
Esther, your true friend and servant
Royal Crown of Life Ministries (James 1:12)