| 11/15/16: Visions and Signs of Trump's Victory | | | | | Greeting All: Please read with joy for powerful testimonies, visions, and signs of Final Victory of Trump, Pence, and the Congress!
Visions and Signs of the Election Day (November 8, 2016) After I had knelt down and offered all kinds of prayers at 3:00 pm (PCT) for a half hour (Jesus died on the cross at 3 pm for all sinners including America) on the election day and cried out to God for America to allow Trump and the Republicans to win because of His mercy and many prayers of the saints, He answered us! We know God does set up and remove “kings”. I asked God by faith to listen to me, His prophet and told Him we all worked so hard and we need to see harvests and to receive comfort and hope. We do not want disappointment. I called some intercessors to pray and fast with me for three days and nights like Queen Esther in the Bible (Esther 4:15,16). A few confirmations with Trump’s victory came after our prayers and fasting and special prayer on November 8:
(1) God led me to pick up my cell phone and the time showed 3:33 pm (God spoke to Prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know”).
(2) I believe I arrived to the polling place at 4:05 pm to vote (I later remembered that Trump is the elect 45th President of U.S.). Read more later about “45th”. I prayed for that polling place and used anointing oil to touch the outside wall and again called God to take over the hands of voters and ballots of all polling places. I saw a few give away fresh loads of bread in the shopping cart outside the building (I was thinking of buying the bread for my mother’s breakfast that morning!) and picked up one load for my mother and God said “I am the living bread (John 6).”; He provided! He is here!
(3) While I was taking a nap at around 6 pm, God gave me the vision (Acts 2:17) of an equilateral triangle with a large top portion of red color inside and the bottom with only small blue portion (bottom level). Above the triangle (or at the top angle), there is God there. God gave me the interpretation that the red portion represents Red States and the blue portion as Blue States. It means Red States for Trump who is close to God on the top and Blue States for Hillary at the bottom to be under and crushed.
(4) I found peace whenever I prayed with the church members for Trump.
(5) On the Election Day, I could send more than normal allowance of email recipients from my Juno account for my Voter guide! No limit! A miracle! Wow! Amazing! More miracles....
Confirmations of the Victory of Trump, the Republican Party, and the Congress: The vision showed that Trump and the Republicans would win. It came to pass at around 9 pm (Pacific Time) that Trump has won the election with more than 270 electoral votes (Projected 306) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_2016). Interesting! God also revealed to me that the Democratic Party will be taken over by the Republican Party but we must work hard and pray continually. I saw a vision of purple clouds representing the glory of God during our ministry prayer on the second day (Saturday, Nov. 5) of our three day fasting and praying (Nov 4-6) and then later a big round sign appeared coming from above with the word “Congress” in Chinese writing. God was so humorous to use Chinese writing because I am a Chinese American and understand Chinese. It means God and the Republican Party would take over the Congress including the Senate. It confirms later after the election.
There are 239 Republicans (55% vs 44% (Democrats)) of 435 members of the House of Representative and 51 Republicans (51% vs 48% (Democrats)) of 100 members of the Senate based on final results (Nov 13) from google search with the links shown below!
For Congress: https://www.google.com/search?q=election+for+congress&eob=enn/h//////////0////&ei=UV0pWLC6G4v6jwPAoo-4AQ&emsg=NCSR&noj=1 or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2016
For Senate: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=election+for+senate+2016&eob=enn/s////0////////// or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Senate_elections,_2016.
During the election process, I prophesied to a few American leaders i.e. mayors, governors, and those from the Democratic National committee (DNC) with the boldness given to me by God the Holy Spirit to support Trump and godly values. Some may have responded well to the prophecies. God knows. If you are one of them receiving my urgent message, please take heed the word which is often a last warning from God through me. I am just a messenger. Do not touch me or God would touch you. I have many proofs! Obey and you shall be blessed.
More Fulfillment of Prophecy of Donald Trump, the God’s Chosen One 1.http://www.worldforjesus.org/articles-special.php?ID=370 and http://www.worldforjesus.org/pdf/The-Anointing-of-Cyrus-8.16.16.pdf or http://www.worldforjesus.org/articles-teaching.php?ID=372 (From Prophetess Nita Johnson in March 2016 and August 2016 – Anointing of King Cyrus – Trump). On Saturday (11/12/2016) before our Sunday worship service, I deliberately opened the Bible and found Isaiah 45:1-5! God spoke to me to share these verses about Trump’s position as our God’s chosen President before our prayer for Trump and the recent protests! I did not remember these Scriptures were also used by Nita until I read her articles! God surely led me to it! It is chapter “45” which is 45th President Donald Trump! Awesome!)
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsQG6WzmuE8&feature=youtu.be (From Pastor Steve Cioccolanti from Australia in April 2016 about Trump to be God's chosen and Ruler of the World and Trumpet. Another video was forwarded to me by Bro. Barnabas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=jJ_KQfcApVI&app=desktop (7 Winners & 7 Losers with Trump in The WHITE HOUSE). Pastor Steve also mentioned Trump will be 70 years, 7 months, 7 days old “777” on his first day in office. From research: “Donald Trump was born on June 14th, 1946. If you move ahead 70 years from that date, that brings you to June 14th, 2016. Moving forward another 7 months brings you to January 14th, 2017, and moving forward another 7 days brings you to January 21st, 2017.” Amazing! Triple perfection! From research “7 means perfection…seven to be a holy number because Genesis says that God rested on the 7th day and man was created on the 6th day, therefore "777" is thought to be the antithesis of "666" (mark and number of the beast or a man).” Trump "777" will destroy Anti-Christ, the Beast "666" (Revelation 13:16-18)! Amen! No wonder the devil has been working so hard and so wild against Trump! Protests and false accusations everywhere! We need Isaiah 54:17!)
Reaction of Trump and Pence after the Final Victory http://www.charismanews.com/politics/opinion/61200-trump-and-pence-express-gratitude-for-prayer (Trump and Pence expressed gratitude for prayer and support. In fact, today I received a text about the desire of Mike Pence who said “We need Jesus more than ever right now!” Pence would like us to bow our heads and bend our knees to pray for America and them and that we would be in God's Will and on God’s side. Praise the Lord for Mike Pence after God's own heart!)
Anti-Trump Protests Are Unjustified The Lord revealed to me last week that the Law of U.S. has established the Presidential Election that is based on 270 electoral votes and the Anti-Trump protest is unjustified because president - elect Trump has met the law requirement. The protest is acceptable in U.S. but not in this case. They are wasting their time and effort to protest against Trump. In fact, no one should ever touch God’s anointed (Psalm 105:15). These “kids” are lawless and quite foolish to listen to the wrong groups: the leftists, the liberals, etc. I called up the mayors of the cities where protests were taken place and one mayor encouraged the protest by saying the higher popular votes for Hillary. Does he know the 270 rule? How can he lead the city? I feel sorry for him; he is being ignorant and lawless. Watch out MoveOn.org which also encourage the protests and even provide fund for them.
Trump is not a racist but the lies of the liberal news and Hillary have polluted the minds of the young American especially. Sad! I found many young people who are very prideful and thought they are better than those who are older than them and who are ministers of faith. That is why they are blinded and deceived (Obadiah 1:2-4 “…the pride of their heart has deceived them…”). They know how to operate the computer and the smart phone well and love to bow down to those things (eyes on them-iphone) but they do not know the deep knowledge which are from life experiences and from God and His Bible. If we do not do something for our next generation, America will be perished by lack of knowledge, wisdom, and discipline (Hosea 4:6). Wake up parents, teachers, and leaders! Stop the liberal agenda now!
During the concession speech of Hillary, she said “…we are stronger together and we will go forward together; we should never ever regret fighting for that…” Is this her hidden agenda? She wants her supporters to revolt against God’s anointed Trump. What she and the protesters do not know is that no one is able to remove God’s ordained! She used the scripture I used in my last newsletter Galatians 6:9 which is for the righteous of God, not for evil doers who support gay marriages and abortions etc. I also sent all my emails to her “info” email address to bless her and her team about a month ago. I am glad she and anyone use my chosen scriptures and learn from them but she cannot be like Joel Osteen and those false teachers of prosperity to take them out of context for their own desires.
Hillary and her supporters need to humbly turn to God and trust Him and understand her loss is a gain. FBI claims did not cause her loss of this election but it was God’s doing. Hope she has a big heart to accept failures and the fact that Trump has won. Move on and work with the Republicans. I love them all and please pray for their salvation.
Check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MoveOn.org (Demonstrations were organized by Moveon.org and other liberal groups per Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel, who wrote on November 11: “Last night, in several cities around the country, demonstrators gathered to protest the recent presidential election. Many of these events were organized by the liberal group Moveon.org, which sent out an email urging people to organize a demonstration where they live. Some of these demonstrations were organized by Black Lives Matter, Bernie Sanders supporters, and socialist groups. Based on past experience, there is little doubt that rogue billionaire George Soros provided funding for many of these efforts. America has just come through one of the most divisive elections in history. It is now time to heal the wounds and unite around our shared values and to trust in God for our future.”
We must stop all these unjust protests by our prayers and our one voice as one man! Let’s continuously gather for prayers with those who have one heart, one spirit, and like mind for Christ! Triumph for Trump who is a Trumpet!
Prayer for America, Trump, Pence, Protesters, and More From my phone text on November 10, 2016 with some changes: “Our Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, please grow brother Donald Trump, his family, and his team to be spiritually strong in Your name and they would spend time to read, meditate Your Word, the Bible and apply them. They would bow down before You and pray. Bring godly men and women to pray and shepherd them well. Baptize and fill them with Your Holy Spirit. Make Mike Pence as one of their mentors. Make them a living example with the image of You Christ the Lord. Grant Trump and Pence the wisdom to speak and to make godly decisions for our nation including their selection of leaders under Trump Cabinet. Take control of their thoughts and their lips and fill it! May Your will be done in them. We anoint and plea the blood of the Lamb Jesus over Trump, Pence, their team, their families, and their properties now in Jesus’ Name. We ask guardian angels to surround them now to protect. We ask You God to deliver and set free those innocent young demonstrators, Hillary, Obama and his administration, their democratic party, and the liberals from demonic influences and possession and bondage such as fear, insecurity, anger, pride, arrogance, hatred, blindness, and deception. In Jesus’ name, we demolish strongholds and arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God; we loose and bind those evil spirits and command Satan and the demons now to leave America, the Democrats, Hillary, Obama, confused young people, and those worshippers of Satan and we take captive every of their thoughts to make it obedient to Christ (Matthew 16:19; 2 Corinthians 10:4, 5). And now let come the Spirit of our Lord to bring liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17), to take over and touch their hearts for their salvation of Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:8-10). Bring them comfort and hope and turn their tears of sadness to joy of salvation (Psalm 51:12; Isaiah 61:3b). Let us love You with all our heart and love one another (Matthew 22:36-40). Lord, please raise up true revolutionary leaders or followers of You God, not coordinators or followers of men for America and let America once again a strong nation who fears and obeys You Lord our God and Your Bible. Bless all of us (Psalm 33:12). Mercy Lord! Mercy Lord! Thank you Lord for your salvation and the supreme authority You have given to us (Your saints) to tear down and build up. In Jesus' matchless victorious Name above all names we pray amen!”
Praise the Lord! We (born again Christians) are so thankful to God because it is the time for God to transform and revive America using Trump, Pence and all God's children! Let us take this step of faith! Please check out my website www.royalcrownlife.org for the newsletters about this whole election. You will find prophecies and the truth from God! Exciting! God is worthy to be praised and honored! We must keep praying for America, Trump, Pence, their administration, their families, the Congress, the military, etc. May God grant them wisdom to handle national issues and foreign policy etc. May God bless America and you all!
In Glory and Power of God Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, Prophetess Esther Ng, God's Bond Servant for All Founder of Royal Crown of Life Ministries (James 1:12; Revelation 2:10, 3:11) www.royalcrownlife.org P.O. Box 1671, Covina, CA 91722 (626)485-7287 |
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